
Subdecks (1)

Cards (23)

  • Location
    To put or arrange (something in a particular place or way)
  • Principle
    A kind of rule, belief, or idea that guides an individual
  • Present scoring
    The act of keeping from happening or trying to hinder or stop something from getting scored
  • Transition
    A change from one state to another. It is also a shift from one period or phase to another
  • Invasion games
    • The purpose is to invade the opponent's territory and score a goal. They involve teamwork to control the ball, keep possession, and prevent the opposition from scoring. They are typically fast-paced games.
  • Basic skills in invasion games
    • Passing: Throwing, kicking, or passing a ball
    • Receiving: Catching, cradling a ball/object with
    • Dodging: Maintaining personal space, making sure not to collide with other people or objects
    • Change of direction: Changing the way the body is traveling
    • Traveling in multiple directions: Being mobile, going forwards, backwards, to the sides, and diagonally
    • Speed and agility: Being quick and flexible
    • Spatial awareness: Recognizing your position and seeing the relation to the playing area
    • Change of speed: Being able to change speed, i.e. from slow to fast when necessary
    • Anticipation: Guessing when the ball or play might go where
  • Scoring
    To win or get a point, goal, etc. in a game
  • Free play
    To engage in activity for enjoyment rather than a practical purpose
  • BASFC skills in Invasion Games
    • Passing: Throwing, kicking, or passing a ball
    • Receiving: catching, cradling a ball/object with hands or feet
    • Dodging: maintaining personal space, making sure not to collide with other people or objects
    • Change of direction: changing the way the body is traveling
    • Traveling in multiple directions: being mobile, going forwards, backwards, to either side, and all diagonals
    • Speed and Agility: being quick and flexible
    • Spatial awareness: recognizing your position and seeing where you are in relation to the playing the games
    • Change of speed: being able to change speed e.g. slowing down or speeding up when necessary
    • Anticipation: guessing where the ball or play might go (while anticipation is not a necessary skill, it can be extremely useful)