You can create documents fast, using built-in and custom templates
You can easily manage large documents using various features, like the ability to create table of contents, index, and crossreferences
With the help of mail merge, you can quickly create merge documents like mass mailings or mailing labels
You can easily create and format tables using the features like AutoFormat
AutoCorrect and AutoFormat features rectify typographical errors automatically and allow you to use predefined shortcuts and typing patterns to quickly format your documents
The print zoom facility scales a document on different paper sizes, and allows you to print out multiple pages on a single sheet of paper
The nested tables feature supports putting one table inside another table
The picture bullets make it easy to insert tiny pictures before each item in a list
Collect and paste lets you copy more than one item to the clipboard at a time
By putting your word documents on the Web server, you can share your information with other people
The multilingual features of Word allows to type different languages in the same document
You can save your documents in HTML format
You can also create Web Pages using Web Page Wizard