Elements and Principles of Contemporary Art

Cards (8)

  • Appropriation
    The process of making new content by taking from another source pre-existing image - books on art history, ads, the media - and incorporating or combining it with new ones
  • Found object
    An actual object - often a manufactured product of a common place nature - given a new identity as an artwork or part of an art piece
  • Performance
    An element of contemporary art which regularly increases drama, often acting and development to extremes of expression and continuity that are not allowed within the theater
  • Space
    An art transforming space, for example the flash mobs, and art installations in malls and parks. It also refers to the distances or areas surrounding, within, and within the components of an item. Space can be either positive or negative, open, or closed, shallow, or deep, and two-or three-dimensional
  • The elements and principles used by contemporary artists are appropriation, performance, and space
  • Appropriation refers to existing art works which are appropriated to produce another artwork. Usage of prints, images, and icons to produce another art form. It may also combine past from the present which revives interests to existing forms of art
  • Performance interprets various human activities such as ordinary activities such as chores, routines, and rituals, to socially relevant themes such as poverty, commercialism, and war
  • Space refers to the distances or areas surrounding, within, and within the components of an item. Space can be either positive or negative, open, or closed, shallow, or deep, and two-or three-dimensional