Matching hypothesis

Cards (8)

  • What is the halo effect in relationships?
    • Individuals seen as physically attractive tend to create a favourable impression
    • A general impression of someone is incorrectly formed from one characteristic
    • Physically attractive people are more desired as dates or romantic partners than less physically attractive people
  • What was Walster et al (1996) study into matching hypothesis?
    • Individual seek partners who are most like them in terms of physical attractiveness
    • They assess their own level of physical attractiveness than their potential partners for similar attractiveness 
    • Potentially for less chance of rejection
    • Individuals feel more secure in relationships of equal physical attractiveness 
  • What was the computer dance study (Walster)
    • 752 students bought tickets to computer dance
    • When buying tickets they were told that information they give about themselves would be fed into computer and this would provide ideal match date - they were actually randomly assigned a partner 
    • Students were ranked on attractiveness by a hidden observer
    • Those who had been paired with partners of similar attractiveness expressed greater liking to their partner than those paired with partners of dissimilar attractiveness
    • This supports the matching hypothesis theory
  • Give one limitation of Walster’s computer dance study
    • Walsters previous study did not support the hypothesis. Participants liked people who were more attractive and physical attractiveness was the best indicator by both males and females of wanting to see someone again.
    • This reduces reliability of the hypothesis 
  • What was Murstein (1972) study into matching hypothesis?
    • Paricipants asses from photographs physical attractiveness levels of genuine couples and non genuine couples
    • Real couples were more likely to be judged as of similar physical attractiveness
  • What was Gunnel and Ceci (2010) study into the halo effect?
    • Physically less attractive people are 22% more likely to be convicted in courts of law
    • Supports halo effect because more attractive people are more likely to be seen as trustworthy than unattractive people
  • What is complex matching as a limitation of matching hypothesis?
    Where less physically attractive people partner up with physically attractive people by being attractive in other ways such as through wealth or domestic skills
  • What are cultural variations as a limitation of matching hypothesis?
    Those practicing arranged marriages, senior family members are regarded as better judges of who is compatible as a partner for their children