Fission = split, making two or more smaller nuclei from a larger nucleus, elements can be formed when a large, unstable nucleus breaks apart in an attempt to achieve a more stable lower energy state, the splitting of nucleus to form two or more smaller, more stable nuclei is called nuclear fission, fission may occur spontaneously (without energy being added) or i may be prompted by firing a nuclear bullet (like a proton or neutron), fission also releases energy stored in the nucleus of an atom but is does not release as much energy as fusion does, the energy released per gram of material by fission is considerably more than the energy released by burning a comparable amount of wood, oil, gasoline, etc., fission of uranium-235 atoms is used in nuclear power plants to produce energy, fission naturally occurs within the layer of the earth as radioactive elements in rocks spontaneously decay to more stable elements, creating a natural source of heat within the earth, Humans also contain a small proportion of radioactive isotopes within the body. These isotopes decay naturally and release radiation. Therefore, humans are slightly radioactive, Bananas are also slightly radioactive