Germany : 1890 - 1945

Cards (119)

  • what was germany like prior to 1871
    • it was divided into 39 different states
    • each had their own leader + rules + customs
  • which was the strongest of the 39 states
  • who ruled prussia
    the kaiser + the chancellor
  • who was the chancellor of prussia + what were his beliefs
    otto von bismarck
    • believed heavily in militarism
    • wanted the unification of all german states to one country
  • how did the states react to bismarks desire to unite into one country
    • most states agreed unification was advantageous as it would eliminate invasion threats from surrounding countries - france & russia
    • main opposition was from austria who worried this would affect their empire + mean they lost power in the area
  • which war led to the german states uniting
    • prussia was involved in many wars for territory
    • the most famous is the franco-prussian war of 1870-1871
    • the prussians defeated france + took alsace lorraine from them
    • this embarrassed + angered the french who then held a grudge over this
    • germany then unified with the prussian kaiser + otto von bismarck as chancellor
  • who was kaiser wilhelm ii
    • he became kaiser aged 29 in 1888
    • he was queen victorias grandson + cousin of future king george v
  • what were the kaisers goals
    • he heavily invested in industrialization -> following the british industrial revolution
    • was obsessed with nationalism + making germany the best country in the world
    • 'a place in the sun' -> felt germany needed to expand its territories through african colonialism
    • spent most of his youth in the army -> saw militarism as the key to a successful country + wanted a strong army and navy like britain
  • what was the kaisers personality like
    • he had a traumatic childhood so was very anxious + unstable + partially disabled
    • he had an energetic + strongly outgoing personality -> persuaded rich, powerful businessmen to invest in his successful industrialization of germany
    • he was also very rude + impatient -> often sacked important ministers ,such as otto von bismarck in 1890, if they didnt follow his orders
    • he was an autocrat with absolute power
  • what were the kaisers foreign policies
    the kaiser followed a foreign policy of weltpolitik + believed germany should have her 'place in the sun' by competing with + being recognised by other powers
    • he thought the key to achieving this was maintaining a strong army + navy
    • his advancements worried britain who ,in 1906, released the dreadnought battleship
    • germany then released their own version of this battleship
    • he also introduced compulsory conscription in 1913 in prep for war
  • in which years did the kaiser introduce new naval laws
    • 1898
    • 1900
    • 1906
    • 1908
    • 1912
  • how did socialism grow during the kaisers rule
    • many workers in new factories + mines were angered by low wages + poor working conditions
    • increasing no.s of workers joined trade unions + strike against the kaiser
    • support for the social democratic party (SPD) grew exponentially + 1/3 germans voted for them by 1912
    • some extreme socialists wanted to rebel against the kaiser + start a revolution to take control of the country
    • this pressurised the kaiser to introduce reforms to avoid revolution
  • what is socialism
    the idea that power + wealth should be equally shared among the people
  • how was germans rapid industrialization a problem for the kaiser
    • by 1914 germany produce 2x the steel that britain did + 1/3 of the worlds electrical goods
    • these developments led to an increase in workers joining violent trade unions + extremists groups that actively opposed the kaisers autocratic rule
  • what were the impacts of ww1 upon germany
    • by 1918, following the entering of the us in war, germany was close to collapse
    • most farmers had been drafted so only half of the produced previously was being made + importation was impossible as the british blockaded their ports
    • 750,000 germans died from both disease + starvation
    • oct 1918 -> german politicians were told they would never win the war + the allies may treat germany more fairly if the country becomes more democratic
  • how did the kaiser respond to germany neding to become more democratic
    • he allowed the main political parties to form a new government + transferred some of his power to the reichstag
    • 28 oct 1918 -> the navy was ordered to sea to attack british ships but the sailors refused
  • what did the october 1918 mutiny lead to
    • news of the initial mutiny spread
    • nearby sailors + workers also refused to follow order
    • soldier ,sent to deal with protests, also joined the mutiny
    • protestors then took over towns + set up special councils to govern them, in less than 6 days
    • the kaiser lost control of the country + even his army generals refused to support him
  • what happened on 9th nov 1918
    • the kaiser abdicated
    • he secreftly left germany too
  • in which ways was autocracy strong in 1914
    • no political party had gained a majority by now
    • nationalism + propaganda established loyalty and unity in the country
    • enjoyed support from military establishments + bureaucratic apparatus
    • centralized authority meant efficient decisions were made and policies were implemented quickly
  • in which ways was autocracy weak in 1914
    • economic disparities with wealth concentrated with the elite angered the working class
    • foreign hostility from the kaiser agitated rival powers in europe
    • exacerbated social divisions that led to disunity in the population
    • growing support for left wing social democrat party (SDP)
  • what happened 11th nov 1918
    • germany surrendered
    • ww1 was over
  • what happened after the kaiser fled
    • friedrich ebert (SDP leader) became leader of germany as the party was the largest in germany
    • he promised to hold democratic elections soon
    • gave people what they really wanted through ending the war
  • what were eberts government known as after they signed the treaty of versailles
    november criminals
  • what was the result of the january 1919 elections
    • the social democrats won
    • they held their first meeting with their new government in the town weimar
    • they were then nicknamed the weimar government
  • what constitution (set of rules) did the weimar government create
    • everyone over 20 could vote for mps -> mps sit in the reichstag -> the reichstag suggest + vote for new laes
    • the chancellor who be the head of the reichstag + would be voted for every 4 years
    • the president would choose the chancellor and keep control of the army + would be voted for every 7 years
    • proportional representation would be the decider for seats in the reichstag
  • what is proportional representation
    • each party gets a fair share of seats in the reichstag
    • e.g. if the party wins 10% of the votes they get 10% of the seats
  • what were the strengths of the weimar constitution
    • all germans had equal voting rights
    • poor chancellors + presidents would only be around for limited time
    • state governments controlled their own affairs + local issues were addressed
  • what were the weaknesses of the weimar constitution
    • proportional representation meant no one party could get a majority so they were based on coalitions + could never have a strong government
    • the president risked having too much power + was allowed to stop listening to the reichstag and become a dictator
    • state governments could take action against the national reichstag government
  • what happened in the spartacist revolution
    • in jan 1919 the german communist party felt eberts policies didnt go dar enough + were inspired by the boleshiviks to overthrow the government
    • 6th jan -> they sarted a revolution
    • in a week, ebert with the help of the freikorps (ex ww1 soldiers) stopped the rebeliion + killed many communists
    • spartacist leaders , rosa luxemburg + karl liebnecht, were killed
  • what was the public image portrayed after eberts handling of the spartacist revolution
    • it helped him that the sparcists were no longer a threat + were dealth with quickly and efficiemyly
    • however he looked weak as he relied on the freikorps (far right ex soldiers) to keep order
    • they could also turn on him at any point
    • this wasnt the last communist rebellion -> german communists created many other riots around germany that the freikorps also had to stop
  • what happened in the kapp putsch
    • in mar 1920 the freikorps themeselves marched against ebert
    • they supported dr wolfgang kapp as the next president
    • the putsch failed as workers in berlin strike + refused to help the friekorps
    • the defeated right wing fled to sweden by the 18th mar + the government returned to berlin
  • what happened between 1919 - 1923
    • over 200 people associated with the weimar gov were assassinated
    • the most famous was walther rathenau -> the politician involved in the armistice + treaty of versailles
    • the assassinations showed the dislike for the new gov + their failure to prevent this violence implied they were doing a bad job
  • what was reaction to the treaty of versailles
    • treaty germany signed after ww1 to end the war
    • germans were outraged -> called the treaty a diktat (dictated peace)
    • they thought the gov 'stabbed them in the back' by agreeing to the harsh terms
    • people began to look to other more nationalistic politicians to rule germany better than the social democrats
  • what were the main terms of the treaty of versailles
    B -> Blame
    • germany had to accept responsibility for starting the war + causing all the damage in the 'war guilt clause'
    R -> Reparations
    • germany had to pay £6.6B to pay for repairing damage from the war
    A -> Armed Forces
    • army reduced to 100,000 men + no tanks, submarines or planes + rhineland was demiltarised
    T -> Territory
    • lost 13% of their land and all colonies + 12.5% of their population + union with austria + economically valuable land
  • how did the nazi party begin
    • anton drexler had a party called the german workers party
    • hitler joined in 1920 + he agreed with their disobedience of the treaty of versailles
    • hitler soon became its leader + renamed it the nationalist socialist german workers party (NSDAP/ nazi party)
    • he gave it a new flag + a new private army to protect it (the SA/brownshirts)
  • how did the nazi party grow initially
    • it gained attention because of Hitlers powerful speech -> particularly his rants against the treaty of versailles
    • the SA would beat up opposition -> particularly communists
  • what was the invasion of the ruhr
    • germany paid its first reparation payment in 1921 but coudnt afford the 1922 payment
    • france + belgium invade jan 1923 to take payment by force
    • they invaded the ruhr, germans main industrial region, to take its goods
    • germans reacted with passive resistance -> striked + sabotaged the making of goods
  • how did the weimar government support the resistance towards the invasion of the ruhr
    • they supported them by printing more money to pay them so they could afford to keep striking
    • too many notes meant the economic price went out of control + with the price of essentials like bread even growing exponentially
    • this nov 1923 hyperinflation meant the elderly + middle classes lost all their savings and pensions
  • what was the munich putsch
    • as the hyperinflation of nov 1923 angered german citizens, hitler chose the evening of the 8th nov to gain futher support as a new leader
    • hitler + 600 nazis seized a beer hall during a meeting between bavarian leaders
    • despite hitler holding the 3 bavarian leaders hostage they escaped + called the police
    • the putsch was very easily stopped but afforded hilter more publicity through his trial
  • what was mein kamp
    • this was the book hitler wrote whilst in prison that shared his right wing + nationalistic ideas for germany
    • he also changed his stratergy from trying to take power by force to winning votes