The Inter-War Years : 1918 - 1949

Cards (120)

  • what was the armistice
    a mutual agreement to stop fighting signed at 5am on 11/11/1918
    • came into affect 6 hours later at 11am
    • signed by representatives from france + germany + great britain
    • signed 60km north of paris
  • what were the main terms of the armistice
    • all fighting ceases by 11am
    • germany had to give up 30,000 guns + 1,700 aeroplanes + all submarines + warships
    • immediate release of all french + british + italian prisoners of war
    • immediate removal of all german troops from france + belgium + luxembourg + alsace lorraine + west of the rhine in 14 days
  • how long was the treaty of versailles signed after the initial armistice
    six months later
  • what was the paris peace conference
    • in january 1919 all the ally leaders met in paris
    • the defeated countries were not allowed to join
    • russia was also not allowed to join as they didnt trust communism
  • who was david lloyd george + what was his attitude towards germany
    prime minister of britain
    • voted in the 1918 election as he promised to 'make germany pay'
    • wanted to stop german threat to the british empire
    • still didnt want to punish germany too far to maintain trade + not provoke feelings of vengeance
  • who was woodrow willson + what was his attitude towards germany
    president of the usa
    • wanted a safe + peacful end to the war
    • wanted disarmament for all
    • feared harsh punishment would make germans bitter + encourage more conflict
  • who was david lloyd george + what was his attitude towards germany
    prime minster of france
    • nicknamed the tiger
    • wanted full punishment on germany + revenge for the destruction of france
    • wanted germany to be destroyed so france would never be attacked again
  • what were lloyd george's main aims through the treaty
    • revenge + reparations for the people of britain
    • retain naval supremacy
    • retain a trade relationship with germany
    • reduce germanys empire to preserve the british empire
    • reduce the risk of another war
  • what were wilson's main aims through the treaty
    • self determination for all
    • start of the league of nations
    • prevention of any future wars
  • what were clemenceau's main aims through the treaty
    • punishment + full revenge on germany
    • protection for france through reduction of germanys force + power
    • reccovery of losses + reparations
  • how satisfied lloyd george with the treaty
    • fairy satisfied as germany was weakened so it wasnt a threat to britain anymore
    • worried that the harsh terms risked future conflict
  • how satisfied wilson with the treaty
    • felt the treaty was too harsh + risked future conflict
    • may have been pleased with the creation of the league of nations ; america did not join
  • how satisfied clemenceau with the treaty
    • not happy as he felt punishment did not go fair enough
    • wanted the complete destruction of germany rather than partial disarmament
  • what were wilsons fourteen points
    • open diplomacy -> no secret alliances
    • free seas
    • free trade
    • all reduce no. of weapons + armies
    • fair claims for colonialism
    • russia forms its own gov + german soldiers leave
    • belgium is an independant country + no german troops there
    • france regains alsace lorraine
    • italian borders are reestablished
    • austria hungary is an independant country
    • central powers leave romania + serbia + montenegro
    • turkish people in otttoman empire have independant country
    • poland is an independant country
    • league of nations is formed
  • what were the main terms of the treaty of versailles
    B -> Blame
    • germany had to accept responsibility for starting the war + causing all the damage in the 'war guilt clause'
    R -> Reparations
    • germany had to pay for all war damage
    • in 1921 it was decided germany had to pay annual instalments of £6600M
    A -> Armed Forces
    • army reduced to 100,000 men
    • no tanks, submarines or planes
    • rhineland was demilitarised
    • banned conscription
    T -> Territory
    • alsace lorraine returned to france
    • lost all overseas colonies
    • forbidden to join with austria (anschlus)
  • what were the main losses of germany with territory in the treaty of versailles
    S -> Saar
    • controlled by league of nations
    • its coalfields were controlled by france for 15 years
    C -> Colonies
    • lost all oversees colonies
    R -> Rhineland
    • demilitarized so german troops could not enter
    A -> Alsace Lorraine
    • returned to france
    P -> Polish Corridor
    • strip of land given to poland
    • separated east prussia from the rest of germany
  • what was the league of nations
    an organisation established through the treaty of versailles to maintain world peace
    • germany + the soviet union was not allowed to join
  • how did the british public react to the treaty of versailles
    • war propaganda taught them to hate the germans as many british soldiers were killed + wounded
    • overall they found the treaty fair + it could have been even harsher
    • lloyd george was hailed as hero
    • newspapers states britain would never be threatened by germany
  • how did the french public react to the treaty of versailles
    • they were angered by it + thoough it should have been much harsher
    • they wanted to inflict the suffering they experienced in the war upon the germans
    • they were disappointed by cleamceau + he was voted out of office
    • they liked some terms like the regaining of alsace lorraine
  • how did the american public react to the treaty of versailles
    • america only joined the war in 1917 + no fighting took place in america
    • they there did not want the same revenge and compensation as others did + thought the treaty was too harsh
    • they then followed a policy of isolationism
    • the senate refused to approve of the treaty + allow america to join the league of nations
  • how did the german public react to the treaty of versailles
    they hated it + were humiliated by it + called it the diktat
    • they felt the only person responsible was the kaiser so he should be punished rather than the people
    • they found the war guilt clause unfair as they weren't solely to blame
    • they lost 13% of their land and were split by the polish corridor
    • they couldnt unite with austria (anschluss
    • they were starved due to the british blockade + needed help
    • felt vulnerable without an army + being surrounded by their enemies
  • what were the strengths of the treaty of versailles
    the main strength of the treaty was it brought the end of world war one + brought peace to germany
    • germany became a democratic country -> was a barrier to the spread of communism
    • established the LON -> a signifcant step in collective security + promoting peace for all
    • recognition of minority rights -> protected right of ethnic + religious minorities (e.g. jews + germans in poland) and encouraged cultural autonomy
    • security measures -> including demilitarized zones + military fortifications tried to prevent future conflicts
  • what were the weaknesses of the treaty of versailles
    the main problem was that it angered germans + left them yearning for vengeance
    • root causes -> the treaty did not address underlying factors that contributed to ww1 + they later affected ww2 too (e.g. nationalism)
    • unstable borders -> created unstable + ethnically diverse states that included conflicting people with tensions rising
    • reparations -> crippling german economy led to the rise of extremists
    • LON -> wilson put too much faith in the league preventing future issues
  • what were the terms of the treaty of st germain
    signed in 1919
    • austria had to accept large territorial losses
    • had to break up the austro hungarian empire
    • had to give land to newly independent states like poland + czechoslovakia
    • forbidden to unite with germany again (anschluss)
    • army limited to 30,000 troops
    • intended to pay reparations
  • what was the impact of the treaty of st germain
    • regions in czechoslovakia that austria had to give away contained lots of their industry
    • this loss of industry led to the austrian economy collapsing in 1921
    • instability in eastern europe as it was now made up of newer + smaller states instead of an empire
    • new states formed in this treaty often contained mixes of nationality who clashed
  • what were the terms of the treaty of neuilly
    signed in 1919
    • treaty essentially limited bulgarias power
    • they lost land to romania + greece + yugoslavia
    • their army was limited to 20,000 troops
    • they had to reparations of £100M
  • what was the impact of the treaty of neuilly
    • bulgarians were outraged but couldnt act upon this
    • when ww2 broke out they sided with nazi germany due to the harsh reparations + reclaimed land they lost in the treaty
  • what were the terms of the treaty of trianon
    signed in 1920
    • the treaty essentially limited hungarys power
    • had to accept break up of the austro hungarian empire
    • lost land to austria + romania + yugoslavia + szechoslovakia
    • lost 66% of land
    • lost 33% of population
    • intended to pay reparations
  • what was the impact of the treaty of trianon
    • economy collapsed after they lost many places that fuelled their industry to other states
    • 100,000 hungarians became refugees in neighbouring states
    • alligned its foreign policies against the treaty + alligned with nazi germany in ww2
    • regained 50% of their lost territories during 1938 - 1941
  • what were the terms of the treaty of sevres
    signed in 1920
    • cause of the breakup of the ottoman empire
    • control of its huge territories were given to britain + france + greece + italy
    • lost control of dardanelles strait (the black sea, meditterainean)
    • army limited to 50,000
    • navy limited + air force banned
    • too unstable to pay reparations
    • their taxes + finances + budgets were controlled by allies
  • what was the impact of the treaty of sevres
    • turkish people were so angred that they overthrew their government
    • their new leader said he would fight the allies over this treaty
    • to avoid more conflict a new treaty was created -> the treaty of lauzanne
  • what did the establishment of the treaty of lauzanne show
    treaties were not enforceable
    • little allies could do against protests if they did not want another war to enforce these policies
    • showed britain had found all the treaties at the peace settlement unfair
    • gave hitler + mussolini a later excuse to broke international law
  • what problems did the creation of poland pose
    • poland was created from land from germany + russia
    • germans living in poland did not like this states creation
    • poland had no natural borders + was not easily defended
    • germany was split by the polish corridor -> caused more resentment
  • what were the aims of the league of nations
    • to maintain peace through covenant + collective security
    • encouraging disarmament
    • enforcing the treaty of versailles
    • encouraging cooperation between nations
  • what was league of nations covenant
    26 articles + laws that league members had to agree to follow
    • most important was the article regarding collective security
  • what was collective security
    • members of the league would act together
    • this ensured any member threatened with war was protected by the other members
  • why did america not join the league
    • many americans did not want to be involved in european affairs
    • wilson campaigned to get america to join but lost the presidential election
    • america followed an isolationist policy in the 1920's
    • america did not want their troops to be under the control of an outside power
  • who were the league members
    membership changed as countries joined and left
    • main members -> britain + france + italy + japan
    • germany joined by 1926
    • ussr joined by 1934
    • america never joined due to isolationism
  • how was the league organised
    • the assembly -> met once a year in LON headquarters in geneva (everyone)
    • the secretariat -> a civil service keeping records of meetings + prepared reports
    • the council -> met 5 times annually + only included 4 permanent members (britain + france + japan + italy) + included some non permanent voted members for 3 years
    • international court of justice -> based off the hague + had judges from member countries to settle disputes peacefully
    • had no army
  • how did the league react to disputes
    • moral condemnation -> disputing members should talk to the league, who would condemn and aggressor
    • economic sanctions -> the league would cut off trade with the aggressor
    • military actions -> league members would join forces + take military action against the aggressor (collective security)