Health & The People

Cards (179)

  • who was hippocrates
    ancient greek physician
    • developed the theory of the four humours
    • developed the hippocratic oath
    • encouraged doctors to seek natural causes + cures through clinical observation
  • what is the hippocratic oath
    a pledge made to prioritize patient well being + uphold medical integrity with ethical standards
  • what is the theory of four humours

    suggests illness is caused by an imbalance of the 4 substances making up the human body
    • blood
    • phlegm
    • black bile
    • yellow bile
  • what is the hippocratic corpus

    written collection of hippocrates work
    • shared his knowledge with doctors around the world
  • what are the seven factors affecting medical development
    • war
    • superstition + religion
    • chance
    • government
    • communication
    • science + tech
    • role of individuals
  • who was galen

    a renowned roman doctor
    • worked on anatomy through dissection
    • developed the theory of opposites from the theory of the four humours
  • what was the theory of opposites
    illness is caused by an imbalance of the 4 humours :
    • blood
    • phlegm
    • black bile
    • yellow bile
    so internal balance could be restored by using opposites
  • what was galens work on anatomy
    dissecting animals
    • e.g. pigs + monkeys
  • what correct finding did galen discover through his dissections
    discovered the brain controls speech
  • what incorrect finding did galen discover through his dissections
    blood passage
    • believed blood passed from the sides of the heart through tiny holes in the septum
    • blood really passes around the heart through veins + arteries
    human jaw
    • believed the jawbone was 2 separate bones
    • it is really just 1
  • what were doctors trying to when giving treatments according to the theory of the opposites
    trying to support the bodies natural function
    • bloodletting -> getting rid of excess blood
    • purging -> getting rid of excess fluids
  • how long was the theory of the four humours used to inspire ideas + treatments
    until the 19th century
    • germ theory was developed in 1861
  • where would the poor find medical assistance in medieval england
    • barber surgeons
    • wise women
    • wise men
  • where would the rich find medical assistance in medieval england

    university trained physicians
    • practised ideas of ancient doctors like hippocrates + galen
  • where did medieval doctors get their knowledge from
    • university lectures
    • debating the findings of medical books
  • how was medical knowledge passed down in medieval england
    • word of mouth
    • books preserved by the church
  • why did medicine regress in the medieval period
    following the fall of rome, people believed more primitive ideas about the causes of disease
  • how were galenic texts revitalised

    byzantine + islamic scholars preserved his work
    • translated into arabic
    • disseminated through diplomatic exchanges + shared centres of learning
  • why did the church support galens teaching

    galen believed a greater being created human life
    • this was compatible with christian beliefs
  • how did the church prevent questioning of galenic principles

    they controlled teaching in universities
    • encouraged the pursuit of natural causes + treatments of disease
  • what quotes encouraged the church to help others
    • heal the sick (matthew)
    • jesus healed all the sick (matthew)
    • the Lord nurses them when they are sick & restores them to health (psalms)
  • what quote encouraged muslims to help the sick
    • For every disease Allah has given a cure (Hadith)
  • how did the church help the development of medicine
    • monasteries were the only free source of help for those who were poor + sick
    • monks copied out galenic + hippocratic texts that preserved ideas that could later be developed
  • how did the church hinder the development of medicine
    • imposed limitations of doctors ability to question + challenger ancient ideas
    • treatments were mainly based on easing pain rather than curing what God caused
  • who was hugh of lucca
    medieval surgeon
    • discovered how to minimise infections through using wine on wounds
  • who was theodoric of lucca

    medieval surgeon
    • hugh of luccas son
    • developed the treatment of wounds with wine
    • openly criticised the galenic + hippocratic works on wound treatment
  • how did medieval attitudes change towards earlier beliefs
    • surgeons depended less on ideas found in ancient tests
    • used more practical experience
    • 'ancient writers teach and almost all modern surgeons follow them' (theodoric of lucca)
  • how did knowledge of anaesthetics develop in the medieval period
    • surgeons experimented with primitive forms of anaesthetic
    • became common to give patients opium based drugs to make them sleepy
  • how did knowledge of operations develop in the medieval period
    • most surgeons were still barber surgeons
    • textbooks were first written on surgery now
    • de chauliac developed principles on the qualities of a surgeon
  • who was robert frugadi
    medieval italian surgeon
    • wrote one of the 1st textbooks on surgery
  • who was guy de chauliac

    medieval french physician
    • developed the 'four necessary' qualifications of a surgeon
    1.) very well educated
    2.) must have practical experience
    3.) must be honest
    4.) should be able to adapt himself to different circumstances
  • why was islam important to the development of medicine
    • quranically, muslims have a duty to help the sick + pay towards charity
    • this money was used to develop bismaritans (hospitals)
    • islamic scholars also helped preserved hippocratic + galenic works by translating them into arabic
  • why was islamic medicine more developed than christian medicine in the medieval period
    • islam encouraged doctors to develop new ideas + treatments
    • the catholic church ,however, limited how much doctors could challenge galenic work
  • who was rhazes

    a medieval iraqi doctor
    • planned the first documented hospital ever in AD805
    • encouraged medical observations
    • wrote 200+ books -> they were translated into latin and used in universities in europe
    • first person to work out difference between smallpox + measles
  • who was avicenna
    a medieval iranian doctor + astronomer
    • wrote many books exploring medicine + treatment
    • most famous book is 'the canon of medicine' -> discusses anatomy + human development + natural treatment
    • developed the works of galen rather than just copying it
  • how was islamic medicine similar to christian medicine
    • both cared for the sick
    • both discourages dissections of humans
    • both catered for the rich + poor
    • both were free to visit
    • both used hippocratic + galenic ideas
  • how was islamic medicine different to christian medicine
    • muslims were ore sympathetic to mental illnesses -> created marristans for them
    • muslims pushed for newer medical ideas
    • muslims used more critical thinking
    • muslims wrote about weight (e.g. anorexia + obesity)
    • muslims relied on Allah instead of saints
    • muslims developed their bismaritans further with better staff + specialised doctors + wards for different issues
  • what is public health
    the actions taken by government to improve the health of their people
  • what was public health like in ancient rome
    • romans used their practical skills to produce the most sophisticated public health schemes
    • these protected people all around their empire from disease
    • this is because of 3 main factors :
    - motivation
    - resources
    - skills
  • what are some definitive moments in public health
    1348 -> black death
    1665 -> great plague
    1861 -> germ theory
    1875 -> legislation for public health
    1948 -> NHS established