His enemiesmadefunofhimaskinghimtocomedownfromthe cross
Death -
The sky went dark between midday and3pm
His last words were'My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?'
The Roman soldier at the cross said 'Truly, this was God's son'
Salvation and Atonement -
Christians think the death of Jesus was part of God's plan to save people from their sins (known asAtonement)
JesusoffershislifetoGodasawayofmaking up for human sin
The death of Jesus shows God's loveashegives uphisson to die
The only way to salvation is by following Jesus
Jesus the Messiah and Saviour -
Messiah means 'anointed one'. The Jews were expecting a Messiah from God to lead them. Christians believe Jesus is the Messiah. 'Christ' is the Greek word for Messiah. They believe he was sent byGodtosave humanity
ChristiansseeJesusasthe saviour of mankind. Jesus means 'the Lord saves'. Joseph was told to name the baby Jesus 'for he will savehis peoplefromtheir sins'