11 - Jesus as a Saviour

Cards (7)

  • Blasphemy - Insult or offense against God
  • Jewish Trial -
    • Jewish authorities arrested Jesus and found him guilty of claiming to be the Messiah
    • This was blasphemy as he claimed to forgive sin which only God can do
    • The sentence for blasphemy was death, but only the Roman Rulers could pass the death sentence, so they took him to the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate
  • Roman Trial -
    • Pilate asked Jesus if he was the king of the Jews, but got no reply
    • Pilate tried to release Jesus, but the Jews wanted the criminal Barabbas instead
    • Pilate condemned Jesus to death and had him flogged
    • Soldiers mocked Jesus by putting a purple robe and crown of thorns on him
  • Crucifixion -
    • Jesus was crucified at Golgotha (place of the skulls)
    • He was crucified as 'King of the Jews' alongside two thieves
    • His enemies made fun of him asking him to come down from the cross
  • Death -
    • The sky went dark between midday and 3pm
    • His last words were 'My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?'
    • The Roman soldier at the cross said 'Truly, this was God's son'
  • Salvation and Atonement -
    • Christians think the death of Jesus was part of God's plan to save people from their sins (known as Atonement)
    • Jesus offers his life to God as a way of making up for human sin
    • The death of Jesus shows God's love as he gives up his son to die
    • The only way to salvation is by following Jesus
  • Jesus the Messiah and Saviour -
    • Messiah means 'anointed one'. The Jews were expecting a Messiah from God to lead them. Christians believe Jesus is the Messiah. 'Christ' is the Greek word for Messiah. They believe he was sent by God to save humanity
    • Christians see Jesus as the saviour of mankind. Jesus means 'the Lord saves'. Joseph was told to name the baby Jesus 'for he will save his people from their sins'