Tienari = found that adopted children with Sz parents were only more likely to receive a diagnosis if their family environment was disturbed = causal factor for onset of Sz
give an example of evidence that supports people constructing ones own environments
Example = Fagot's study on gender: SLT/gender associations she found a tendency for teachers to respond more positively to 'female preferred' activities
what is another idea for explaining how nature/nurture interact - example
others take a view that an individual's genes are seen as setting upper and lower limits for their potential behaviour, within these limits an individual's behaviour may be determined by the environment
found that Sz was most likely if a person had a biological family history of mental illness (NATURE) combined with a 'dysfunctional' relationship with family (NURTURE)
lab mice were given electric shocks every time they were exposed to the smell of acetophenone (chemical in perfume), CC to have a fear response to the smell
This supports that nature contributes to OCD - higher in Mz, share 100% DNA
However: an element of nurture as Mz weren't 100%, it would be if only nature causes OCD, so nature cannot be the sole cause, nurture must also be involved
what are the implications of supporting a nature side
Nature = extreme deterministic stance that our inherited genetic makeup determines our behaviour has led to contraversy: socially sensitive research attempts to link race, genetics, intelligence and the application of eugenics policies
what are the implications of supporting a nurture side
Nurture: behaviour shaping has practical applications in therapy
desirable behaviours = selectively reinforced and undesirable behaviours are punished/ignored in extremes - this may lead to advocate a model of society that controls/manipulates its citizens using these techniques