rp4: I-V characteristics

Cards (4)

    1. use voltmeter to read potential difference across the resistor
    2. use ammeter to read current through the resistor
    3. record these values in a table
    4. adjust variable resistor & record new readings
    5. do this several times to get a range of readings
    6. switch direction of the battery (reverses direction of PD)
    7. take several readings of current & PD
    8. plot a graph of current against potential difference

    1. repeat but switch resistor with filament lamp
    2. repeat but switch resistor with diode (with an extra resistor)
  • graph of ohmic conductor ( resistor )
    • current through a resistor is directly proportional to the potential difference
    • we only see this if the temperature is kept constant
  • graph of filament lamp
    • when the current increases the temperature of the lamp increases which causes resistance to increase
  • graph of diode
    • in the reverse direction, a diode has a high resistance