Cards (6)

  • late modernity - previous features of modernity have become intensified eg. social change has accelerated
    • we are still in the modern era so modern sociological theories are still useful so the enlightenment project is still valuable
  • reflexivity
    giddens - a defining characteristic of late modernity is that it experiences rapid change because of
    • disembedding - no longer needing face-to-face contact to interact with one another
    this means tradition becomes less important so we are forced to become reflexive and constantly modify our actions in light of new information about risks and opportunities they might involve
    • nothing is fixed as we are constantly challenging our own actions
  • modernity and risk
    giddens - in late modernity we face high consequence risks, or major threats to human society eg. nuclear war, recession and global warming
    • all these risks are made by humans and not naturally occcuring
  • risk society
    beck - believes in the power of reason to create a better world, however late modern risk society faces new dangers as they are manufactured by humans and not naturally occurring
    • late modernity is also a period of growing individualisation where we become completely reflexive so we have to think for ourselves and constantly take account of the risks that may come as a result of decisions we make
    • we become more risk conscious and aware of the risks we face and so seek to avoid them
  • risk, politics and progress
    beck - while sceptical about scientific progress because of its risks he believes that we can use rationality to overcome this
    • we are capable of reflexivity so can evaluate risks and take political action to reduce them eg. environmentalism
  • evaluation
    • ignores the fact that not everyone has the option to take actions to reduce risk eg. spending more money to move to somewhere with less pollution
    • rustin - beck ignores the role of capitalism as the ultimate source of risk through its pursuit of profit at all costs
    • hirst - movements like environmentalism won't bring about change as beck suggests as they are too fragmented to challenge larger power structures