The religion of Muslims. It means peace or submission
A person who followsIslam
Five Pillars
Five things a Muslim must do as part of their religion
Acts of worship
Practices a Muslim must follow
There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world today
It is the world's second largest religion after Christianity and the fastest growing religion in the world
Islam started in theMiddle East in Arabia (modern daySaudi Arabia)
Two Key Beliefs
There is one God - Allah
Muhammad is the last and greatest prophet of Allah
Sunni V Shia
There are two main types of Islam (Sunni and Shia)
Sunnisform the majority of Muslims in the world today (90%)
Five Pillars of Sunni Islam
Every act a Muslim performs must be ibadah
The main way of performing ibadah is by following thefive pillars
The fivepillars arefard
They are calledpillarsbecause they hold up the religion of Islam
The five pillars areShahadah (declaration of faith), Salah (prayer5 times a day), Zakah (charity), Sawn (fasting during Ramadan) and Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah).
Doing the 5 pillars showsobedience to the will of God
What is most important with the 5 pillars is theintention to submit to Allah
You must have the correctmotivationwhich is to worship Allah
Muhammadtaught theimportance of the 5 pillars in his last sermon