. The discovery of X-rays by Roentgen and of electron by J. J. Thomson
cathode rays were discoveredby William Crookes
J. J. Thomson was the first to determine experimentally the speed and the specific charge [charge to mass ratio (e/m)] of the cathode ray
speeds ranging from about 0.1 to 0.2 times the speed of light (3 ×10^8 m/s).
the value of e/m was found to be independent of the nature of the material/metal used as the cathode (emitter), or the gas introduced in the discharge tube
Millikan’s experiment established that electric charge is quantised
millikan oil drop experiment for precise measurement of the charge on an electron
work function of platinum is the highest (φ0 = 5.65 eV)
while it is the lowest (φ0 = 2.14 eV) for caesium
photoelectric emission was discovered by Heinrich Hertz
Hallwachs and Philipp Lenard investigated the phenomenon of photoelectric
Hallwachs undertook the study further and connected a negatively charged zinc plate to an electroscope.
He observed that the zinc plate lost its charge when it was illuminated by ultraviolet light.
Further, the uncharged zinc plate became positively charged when it was irradiated by ultraviolet light.
Positive charge on a positively charged zinc plate was found to be further enhanced when it was illuminated by ultraviolet light.
metals like zinc, cadmium, magnesium, etc., responded only to ultraviolet ligh
some alkali metals such as lithium, sodium, potassium, caesium and rubidium were sensitive even to visible light.
All these photosensitive substances emit electrons when they are illuminated by light
number of photoelectrons emitted per second is directly proportional to the intensity of incident radiation
maximum value of the photoelectric current is called saturation current.
All the photoelectrons emitted from the metal do not have the sameenergy
for a given frequency of the incident radiation, the stopping potential is independent of its intensity
the photoelectric emission starts instantaneously without any apparent time lag, even if the incident radiation is very dim.
It is now known that emission starts in a time of the order of 10– 9 s or less.
Albert Einstein proposed a radically new picture of electromagnetic radiation to explain photoelectric effect
Radiation energy is built up of discrete units – the so called quanta of energy of radiation
Kmax = hν – φ0 as Einstein photoelectric equation
Low intensity does not mean delay in emission
low intesity only determines how many electrons are able to participate in the elementary process (absorption of a light quantum by a single electron) and, therefore, the photoelectric current.
Millikan performed a series of experiments on photoelectric effect, aimed at disproving Einstein’s photoelectric equation
Leonard observed that when ultraviolet radiation were allowed to fall on the emitted plate of an evacuated glass tube current flows in circuit
The particle-like behaviour of light was confirmed by
A.H. Compton on scattering of X-rays from electrons
Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his contribution to theoretical physics and the photoelectric effect.
Millikan was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work on the elementary
charge of electricity and on the photoelectric effect.
Photons are electrically neutral and are not deflected by electric and magnetic fields.
Louis Victor de Broglie put forward the bold hypothesis
that moving particles of matter should display wave-like properties