
Cards (22)

  • terrestrial motion - pertains to the movement of any object on earth
  • celestial motion - refers to that of any object beyond earth
  • natural motion - is determined by the nature of an object's composition
  • violent motion - happens when an object is acted upon by any external force
  • alteration - refers to a type of motion that describes qualitative change
  • celestial equator - the projecton on earth's equator in the celestial sphere
  • ecliptic - the sun's apparent path through the celestial sphere
  • equinox - happens when the sun's position in the ecliptic intersects with the celestial equator
  • solstice - happens when the sun's position in the ecliptic reaches it northernmost or southernmost point
  • obliquity of the ecliptic - refers to the angle of inclination of earth's equator with respect to the orbital plane
  • diurnal motion - daily rising and setting of the sun
  • annual motion - refers to the apparent shift in location of the stars
  • precession of the equinoxes - an ancient term for the gradual change in the orientation of earth's axis
  • sidereal year - refers to the time it takes for the sun to return to the same point relative to the fixed stars
  • tropical year - the time it takes for the sun to return to an equinox
  • general precession - combination of planetary precession and lunisolar precession
  • homocentric - the celestial spheres share one common center
  • deferent - refers to a circular path in which planet moves around earth
  • lunar craters - darks spots of the moon
  • cosmica sidera - four celestial bodies surrounding jupiter
  • sunspots - dark spots on the sun's surface
  • supernova - refers to a huge burst of energy from an explosion of a supergiant star