What can happen to roots so mitosis can be observed ?
They can be stained and squashed
what should you wear when using?
What are steps 1-3?
Cut 1cm from the tip from a growing root. tip used because that is where growth occurs= mitosis occurs here
Prep a boiling tube containing 1 M HCL and put in water bath at 60 degrees
Transfer root tip into the boiling tube and incubate for about 5 mins
what are steps 4-6?
4: Using a pipette, rinse root tip well with cold water. Leave tip to dry on a paper towel
5: place root time on a microscope slide and cut 2mm from the very tip of it, getting rid of the rest
6: use a mounted needle to break the tip open and spread the cells out thinly
What are steps 7-9?
7: add a few drops of the stain and leave for a few minutes
8: Place a cover slip over the cells and push down firmly to squash the tissue= makes tissue thinner and allow light to pass through it. DO NOT SMEAR the cover slip sideways- you will damage the CHROMOSOMES