
Cards (20)

  • gamma radiation is not a particle but an
    electromagnetic wave
  • when the nucleus is unstable neutrons are released as gamma radiation in the form of
    pure energy
  • gamma radiation is what charge
  • gamma radiation is the least ionising
  • gamma radiation is the what radiation
  • gamma radiation is is stopped by
    lead and very thick concrete
  • explain the size of gamma radiation compared to others
  • compare gamma radiation in terms of weight
  • what is the range of gamma radiation
  • what is the penetration of gamma radiation it is the
    most penetrating
  • gamma radiation is used to
    irradiate food
  • why irradiating food makes it safer to eat
    • it kills reduces food poisoning
    • it kills bacteria that produces toxins
  • why is gamma radiation used to irradiate food rather than alpha or beta radiation
    • it is the most penetrating making it easier to kill bacteria
    • it is the least ionising preventing the food from becoming radioactive
  • a tracer uses
    gamma radition
  • a tracer uses gamma radiation because it is
    very penetrating
    least ionising
    easily detected
  • a tracer can detect infected kidney by
    accumulating the infected kidney for a longer period of time
    this is detected using a gamma camera
  • if gamma radiation is least ionising it causes
    less damage
  • how is gamma radiation is used in checking for leaks in water pipes
    • Water supplies are contaminated to find leaks in pipes.
    • Contaminated water seeps into the ground, where there is a leak.
    • Causing a build-up of gamma emissions in that area.
    • This can be found using a Geiger-Muller tube.
    easier to decide where to dig to find the leak without having to dig along the whole length of the pipe.
  • to find leaks in water the isotope used must be
    • be a gamma emitter to penetrate the ground and road surface
    • have a half-life of at least several days to allow the emissions to build up in the soil but not too long so that exposure is limited not be poisonous to humans as it will form part of the water supply.