The electrostatic force of attraction between positively charged ions and delocalised electrons
Metallic elements
They are conductors of electricity because they contain delocalised electrons
Reactions of metals
1. Metal + oxygen → metal oxide
2. Metal + water → metal hydroxide + hydrogen
3. Metal + dilute acid → salt + hydrogen
Metals can be arranged in order of reactivity
By comparing the rates at which they react
Producing soluble salts from metals
Excess metal is added to the appropriate acid, the mixture is filtered and the filtrate evaporated to dryness
A gain of electrons by a reactant in any reaction
A loss of electrons by a reactant in any reaction
In a redox reaction, reduction and oxidation take place at the same time
Ion-electron equations
1. Can be written for reduction and oxidation reactions
2. Can be combined to produce redox equations
Extraction of metals
1. Metal ions are reduced forming metal atoms
2. The method used depends on the position of the metal in the reactivity series
3. Methods used: heat alone, heating with carbon or carbon monoxide, electrolysis
The decomposition of an ionic compound into its elements using electricity
A d.c. supply must be used if the products of electrolysis are to be identified
Positive ions gain electrons at the negative electrode and negative ions lose electrons at the positive electrode
Electrically conducting solutions containing ions
Electrochemical cells
A simple cell can be made by placing two metals in an electrolyte
Another type of cell can be made using two half-cells (metals in solutions of their own ions)
An ion bridge (salt bridge) can be used to link the half-cells for ions to move across the bridge to complete an electrical circuit
Electricity can be produced in cells where at least one of the half-cells does not involve metal atoms (e.g. graphite rod)
Factors affecting voltage in electrochemical cells
Different pairs of metals produce different voltages
The further apart elements are in the electrochemical series, the greater the voltage produced
Electrons flow in the external circuit from the species higher in the electrochemical series to the one lower in the electrochemical series
Ion-electron equations for electrochemical cells
Can be written for the oxidation reaction, the reduction reaction, and the overall redox reaction
The direction of electron flow can be deduced for electrochemical cells including those involving non-metal electrodes
Long chain molecules formed by joining together a large number of small molecules called monomers
Addition polymerisation
A chemical reaction in which unsaturated monomers are joined, forming a polymer
Repeating unit
The shortest section of polymer chain which, if repeated, would yield the complete polymer chain (except for the end-groups)
The structure of a polymer can be drawn given either the structure of the monomer or the repeating unit
From the structure of a polymer, the monomer or repeating unit can be drawn
Substances which restore elements, essential for healthy plant growth, to the soil
Ammonia production
1. Ammonia is produced by the Haber process: N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g)
2. An iron catalyst is used to increase the reaction rate
3. Ammonia is the starting material for the commercial production of nitric acid
Nitric acid production
The Ostwald process uses ammonia, oxygen and water to produce nitric acid, with a platinum catalyst
Radioactive decay
Changes in the nuclei of atoms, where unstable nuclei (radioisotopes) can become more stable nuclei by giving out alpha, beta or gamma radiation
Alpha particles
Consist of two protons and two neutrons, carry a double positive charge, have a short range in air, and are stopped by paper
Beta particles
Electrons ejected from the nucleus, able to travel further in air, but can be stopped by a thin sheet of aluminium, attracted to a positively charged plate
Gamma rays
Electromagnetic waves emitted from within the nucleus, able to travel great distances in air, can be stopped by lead or concrete, not deflected by an electric field
Balanced nuclear equations
1. The sum of the atomic numbers on the left equals the sum on the right
2. The sum of the mass numbers on the left equals the sum on the right
The time for half of the nuclei of a particular radioisotope to decay
The half-life of an isotope is a constant, unaffected by chemical or physical conditions
Radioactive isotopes can be used to date materials
Determining half-life
From a graph showing a decay curve
Calculations using half-life
Relating number of half-lives, time, and proportion of radioisotope remaining