Nebula - an interstellar gas cloud of ionized particles
terrestrial planets are smaller than jovian planets according to the nebular theory because of the low abundance of metallic elements
according to the nebular theory, supernova disrupted the stability of the nebula that resulted in the formation of the solar system
the solar system originated from the nebula according to the nebular theory
the jovian planets are composed of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
the particles that did not become planets in the solar system:
became a part of the oort cloud
became asteroids
becamethe debris in the kuiper belt
the high melting point of metals and silicates enables the formation of solid, terrestrial planet
the temperature increased as the nebula became denser due to increasing gravitational force
terrestrial planets include Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars - they were primary mate of silicate rocks and metals
scientists that proposed the nebular theory are:
Immanuel Kant
Emanuel Swedenborg
Pierre Simon Laplace
according to Georges Henri Joseph Edouard Lemaitre that the universe started from the sudden expansion of a primeval atom or "cosmic egg"
supports the big bang theory
the wavelengths of light from galaxies moving away from Earth are redshifted
a small amount of heat is spread around the universe
the cosmic background radiation prove that the universe began from a hot and violent expansion
the CMBR is an important evidence of big bang theory. this radiation is believed to be the leftover of big bang. if this radiation is not present, the tempersature of the space of the universe is 0k
the gravitational force dominated the universe during the big bang
Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered the cosmic microwave background radiation
Penzias and Wilson discovered that microwaves with wavelengths of about 7 centimeters were present in space
the Hubble's law describes the correlation of the velocities and distance
big bang theory is a cosmological model explaining how the universe began
the big bang theory started as a singularity
according to the big bang theory, the singularity from which the universe had started expanded and decreased in temperature
the scientist that considered as the first proponent of big bang theory is Georges Lemaitre
water from the comet and water from the earth have the same isotopic composition
the hydrosphere is composed oof 97.5% saltwater and it is also called as the saline water
water served as a medium that dissolved molecules and enabled their chemical reactions
water came from the comets collided with the earth
hydro is the greek root word that means water
the fresh water is available in form of groud water and it is 2.5% of the total water on Earth.
if water cannot store heat from the sun, the conditions of the atmosphere during winter will be extremely cold and extremely hot during the summer
examples of forms of water are steam and liquid water
water has high heat capacity that largely affects the day-to-day weather conditions
four major spheres of the Earth: Hydrosphere,Biosphere, geosphere, atmosphere
James Lovelock proposed Gaia Hypothesis which postulates that the Earth works as a self-regulating system
Lynn Margulis, an evolutionary theorist, further developed Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis
NASA's Earth Science program study the Earth system through satellite for long term observation
Alexander von Humboldt helped establish the foundation of ESS by recognizing patterns from collected specimens and measurements
the proponent of Gaia hypothesis
the concept of uniformitarianism states the the geological forces in the past are the same as those in the past
four major spheres of the earth: Hydrosphere, Biosphere, Geosphere, and Atmosphere