Reading intervention programs improved the comprehension skill of grade 3 pupils
Claim of Value
Divorce is never acceptable considering our faith and culture as Filipinos
Claim of Policy
ROTC should be revived and be made mandatory among senior high school students.
Claim of Policy
The government ought to increase the salary of healthcare workers
Claim of Value
Boracay is the best island in the world
Claim of Fact
The K to 12 curriculum has successfully been implemented since it started in 2013
According to the Internet World Statistics, there are approximately 2, 267, 233, 742 internet users worldwide in 2012
Claim of Fact
Today, many people use the internet as their main source of entertainment and socialization
Claim of Value
Facebook has been a very effective way to advertise business pursuits, look for job opportunities, validate the credibility of a certain individual or organization and many more
Abortion is never acceptable because it is a grave sin
Claim of Value
Cyberbullying have caused many people pain and suffering. Sometimes, opportunities of genuine face to face interaction are sacrificed, and precious time is wasted
Claim of Value
Modern art lacks substance and cultural significance, as it often seems to prioritize shock value over meaningful expression
Claim of Policy
Reckless drivers should have a mandatory jail term of not shorter than two months
Claim of Policy
Legislation should be passed to stop the sale of cigarettes