Step 1: find the weight of the object, weight = mass • gravity
Step 2: using the weight, find the normal force which is same magnitude as weight, however, opposite direction
(For next step, frictional force should be given)
Step 3: plug it into the equation of mew= frictional force/normal force
Static friction ≥ kinetic friction
Amount of minimum force over time required in the sense of friction
Accuracy: the amount of error (can be percentage or absolute) in an experiment, also referring to how sensititive the measuring device used was
Percentage error:
Reliability: Conducted the experiment multiple times AND achieved similar results each time
Validity: most amount of controlled variables were kept throughout the experiment and the experiment took the appropriate measure to reach the hypothesis
Accuracy, validity, and reliability are only used for discussions in a report/depth study/discussion question
Newton's first law: law of inertia, any object at rest or in motion will stay in rest or motion unless acted on by an external unbalanced force
Newton's second law: Force = mass • acceleration
Newton's third law: every action has an equal and opposing reaction
For qualitative answers, ensure to use: 1. Effect: the experiment which was conducted
2. A conjunction: "this happened due to" "because" "as a result of"
3. Cause: the most relevant corresponding law(s) which reinforce the statement
For Force = mass • acceleration, ensure that mass is in kg, and acceleration is in m/s² for force to be in newtons
A force is always a vector. It can be,
Contact and non contact
Adding vectors in 1D: you have single digit IQ of you can't do this
Adding vectors in 2D:
For magnitude: use Pythagoras' theorem
For direction: use tan-¹
Speed: distance/time
Velocity: displacement/time
Absolute error: experimental value - theoretical/true value
s: displacement
u: initial velocity
v: final velocity
a: acceleration
t: time
Relative motion in 1D: basically adding vectors in 1D
Relative motion in 2D: V(B rel A) V(BG) - V(AG) OR JUST STATED AS, V(B)- V(A) draw a vector diagram according to this
V(B rel A) = -V(A rel B)
In third perspective views, from a floating observer, simply do vector addition in 2D
To resolve vectors, simply find X and y value for them, so, for horizontal component, it is Fcostheta, for vertical components, it is Fsintheta
For object thrown up, vertical motion shows as follows:
When object drops, a = 9.8 m/s²
When object's s value is max, v = 0
When object falls to the ground or thrower's hand, v = 0 and s = 0
What is velocity and displacement when an object goes back to rest?
v = 0 and s = 0
In inclined planes, normal force is mgcostheta, acceleration downwards is mgsintheta. If the object is not moving, then the acceleration is either less or equal to the static friction.
Mew in inclined plane is simply tantheta
If the object on an inclined plane is attached to a string, the tension in the string is the same as the acceleration (mgsintheta)
Static equilibrium: object is at rest, unmoving
Dynamic equilibrium: object has a constant velocity, moving
When the object & moving, in a pulley system that is off a bench, F= ma, however, F=m₂g(since that is the net force) and m=(m₂+m1) and a is usually what is found in such equations