Physics Yr 11 Term 1

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  • To calculate µ:µ=µ =frictionalforce/normalforce frictional force/normal force
  • To find mew:
    Step 1: find the weight of the object, weight = massgravity
    Step 2: using the weight, find the normal force which is same magnitude as weight, however, opposite direction
    (For next step, frictional force should be given)
    Step 3: plug it into the equation of mew= frictional force/normal force
  • Static friction kinetic friction
  • Amount of minimum force over time required in the sense of friction
  • Accuracy: the amount of error (can be percentage or absolute) in an experiment, also referring to how sensititive the measuring device used was
  • Percentage error:
  • Reliability: Conducted the experiment multiple times AND achieved similar results each time
  • Validity: most amount of controlled variables were kept throughout the experiment and the experiment took the appropriate measure to reach the hypothesis
  • Accuracy, validity, and reliability are only used for discussions in a report/depth study/discussion question
  • Newton's first law: law of inertia, any object at rest or in motion will stay in rest or motion unless acted on by an external unbalanced force
  • Newton's second law: Force = massacceleration
  • Newton's third law: every action has an equal and opposing reaction
  • For qualitative answers, ensure to use: 1. Effect: the experiment which was conducted
    2. A conjunction: "this happened due to" "because" "as a result of"
    3. Cause: the most relevant corresponding law(s) which reinforce the statement
  • For Force = massacceleration, ensure that mass is in kg, and acceleration is in m/s² for force to be in newtons
  • A force is always a vector. It can be,
    Contact and non contact
  • Adding vectors in 1D: you have single digit IQ of you can't do this
  • Adding vectors in 2D:
    For magnitude: use Pythagoras' theorem
    For direction: use tan-¹
  • DT, VT, AT
  • Speed: distance/time
    Velocity: displacement/time
  • Absolute error: experimental value - theoretical/true value
  • s: displacement
    u: initial velocity
    v: final velocity
    a: acceleration
    t: time
  • Relative motion in 1D: basically adding vectors in 1D
  • Relative motion in 2D: V(B rel A) V(BG) - V(AG) OR JUST STATED AS, V(B)- V(A) draw a vector diagram according to this
  • V(B rel A) = -V(A rel B)
  • In third perspective views, from a floating observer, simply do vector addition in 2D
  • To resolve vectors, simply find X and y value for them, so, for horizontal component, it is Fcostheta, for vertical components, it is Fsintheta
  • For object thrown up, vertical motion shows as follows:
    When object drops, a = 9.8 m/s²
    When object's s value is max, v = 0
    When object falls to the ground or thrower's hand, v = 0 and s = 0
  • What is velocity and displacement when an object goes back to rest?
    v = 0 and s = 0
  • In inclined planes, normal force is mgcostheta, acceleration downwards is mgsintheta. If the object is not moving, then the acceleration is either less or equal to the static friction.
  • Mew in inclined plane is simply tantheta
  • If the object on an inclined plane is attached to a string, the tension in the string is the same as the acceleration (mgsintheta)
  • Static equilibrium: object is at rest, unmoving
    Dynamic equilibrium: object has a constant velocity, moving
    For both, the net force will still be 0
  • When object is at rest, is friction static?
  • Static equilibrium: object is at rest, with Net force =0
  • When object is in static equilibrium,
    1. estabush all forces = 0
    2. Resolve the vectors of T, & T₂
    3. Establish that vertical vectors of T, & T₂ added = mg
    4. Establish that (generally) horizontal vectors equal each other
    5. Manipulate the equation to isolate one T and substitute that into the vertical equation
    6. Use mg. to find the answer
  • Forces in systems. ex pulleys, assume no friction in them
  • Tension is on all sides of the string in pulleys
  • When the object & moving, in a pulley system that is off a bench, F= ma, however, F=m₂g(since that is the net force) and m=(m₂+m1) and a is usually what is found in such equations
  • Tension for forces in systems usually refers to T = W-Fnet
  • For suspended masses: 
