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  • Cohen's Status Frustration Theory
    Sometimes we commit crime to simply look good in front of peers.
    Cohen argues crime is a collective act where an audience is needed to gain status and respect. It can be non-utilitarian and just for funsies. It occurs when gangs reject middle class values and create their own.
  • Cohen’s Status Frustration Theory
    Cohen argues that we have limited opportunity to gain status through studying hard, higher and getting a well payed important job. They need money to pay for good higher education so that they could acquire an enjoyable, well payed career but don't have the money to get going. In that sense, they fail which results in them staying low status: causing status frustration.
  • Cohen’s Status Frustration Theory
    They then reject middle class values and flip them so that misbehaving in class, running late, calling out etc is a way in which they can ascend status-wise among their peers based on customised values.