Crime : Miller AO3

Cards (7)

  • +Gill found some working class residents didn't believe it was wrong to commit certain crimes.
  • -the lower working classes don't always reject mainstream values.
  • -too much focus on socialisation rather than whether people have what they need in life.
  • -Box found many working class members are bored in repetitive jobs but don't turn to crime.
  • -makes generalisations about the working class. Miller is accused of adopting a middle-class perspective, generalising working class society.
  • -Braithwaite claims crimes that involve direct harm to the victim are seen as wrong in all classes in the West.
  • -Bordua states Miller seems to be saying that the involvement in lower class culture is so deep and exclusive that contacts with agents of middle class dominated institutions, especially schools have no impact. This presents a picture of this group living their lives isolated from mainstream society.