Literary criticism

Cards (10)

  • Iliterary criticism comes from the Greek verb?
  • This word means to judge, or to decide
  • It is the discipline of interpreting, analyzing and evaluating, works of literature
    Literary criticism
  • It’s utilizes, a specific framework, serious principles or Methodologies
    Literary criticism
  • Who is the proponent of Marxism?
    Karl Marx
  • Is a German philosopher who rejected the tenants of romanticism in favor of philosophy of dialectical materialism
    Karl Marx
  • A form of critique or discourse for interrogating, all societies, and their texts, in terms of certain specific issues– including race class, and the attitude shared within a given culture
    Marxist approach
  • This approach focuses on the representation of class, distinctions and class conflict in literature
    Marxist Approach
  • This focuses more on social and political elements that artistic and visual elements of a text
    Marxist approach
  • Marxist critics often judge literature by how it represents the main struggles for power going on at the time it was written and by how it may influence those struggles through changing readers minds about key issues