Cards (14)

  • -ane means no double bonds
    -ene means the presence of a double bond
  • meth-, eth-, prop-, but-, pent-, hex-
  • Hydrocarbon ring molecules have the prefix cyclo-
  • Alcohols have the suffix -ol
  • Aldehydes, -al (COH)
  • Ketones, -one (e.g. CH3C=OCH3)
  • Carboxylic acids, -oic acid (C=OOH)
  • fluoro (F), chloro (Cl), bromo (Br), iodo (I)
  • The number is also called a locant
  • A homologous series is a group of organic compounds with the same functional group, but different carbon chain length.
  • Homologous series molecules all share a general formula
  • The length of the length of the carbon chain has little effect on the chemical reactivity of the functional group.
  • The length of the carbon chain effects physical properties (e.g. boiling point)
  • Branching chains generally reduce melting points as the molecules don't pack together well.