What features does the internal structure of the stomach have?
-rugae: folds in the stomachwall that allow it to stretch and expand after eating
-circular and longitudinal muscles
-oblique muscles provide strongercontractions
What is the function of the stomach?
Churns food (physical/mechanical digestion) to mix it with gastric juice
What are gastric glands?
Pits in the mucosa
What types of cells are found in the gastric glands?
-goblet cells
-oxyntic cells
-chief cells
What is the function of goblet cells?
Secretes mucus for lubrication and prevents autodigestion
What is the function of oxyntic cells?
Secretes HCl: this lowers the pH to provide the optimum pH for pepsin, kills pathogens and activates pepsinogen
What is the function of chief cells?
Secretes pepsinogen (an inactive precursor of pepsin): this prevents autodigestion of the gastric gland.
How is pepsinogen activated?
By hydrogen ions (H+) from HCl produced by oxyntic cells in the gastric glands
What is the function of endopeptidases?
they hydrolyse peptide bonds inside the polypeptide chain to produce shorter peptides, e.g. pepsin
What is the function of exopeptidases?
They hydrolyse peptide bonds at the ends of polypeptide chains to produce single amino acids.
What are the different types of exopeptidases?
Aminopeptidase and carboxypeptidase
Proteins are digested fastest when you have a mixture of endo and exopeptidases, because the endopeptidases produce more ends for the exopeptidases to work on
What is chyme?
Partly digested food and gastric juice that leaves the stomach