Reasons why Germans resented the treaty of Versailles

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  • Treaty of Versailles
    • Germans believed they had been treated unfairly by the allies
    • It was a Diktat - a dictated peace. Germany was not allowed to discuss the terms of the treaty
    • The War Guilt Clause forced Germany to accept total blame for the war while other countries were also to blame and many Germans hated this clause
    • The Germans were forced to pay £6.6 billion in reparations which they struggled to pay
    • The German army was reduced to 100,000 men which was too small to defend Germany
    • The German army had to give up its weapons and the German navy was given to the allies which angered many Germans
    • Germany was allowed no air force and this angered them as other countries were developing their air force since it was new technology
    • Germany was only allowed 6 Battle ships which meant Germany could not defend the sea around her
    • Germany lost territory for example the Polish Corridor and therefore, many Germans no longer lived in Germany
    • Germany lost all her colonies which affected the economy and trade
    • With the Kaiser gone Germans did not believe they should be punished and very much resented the treaty because of this
    • The Treaty was not based on Woodrow Wilson's 14 points which seemed to be more lenient and therefore the German people were not expecting it to be so harsh