In Psychology, happiness is a mental or emotional state of wellbeing
To behaviorists, happiness is a cocktail of emotions we experience when we do something good or positive.
To neurologists, happiness is the experience of a flood of hormones released in the brain as a reward
The hedonistic view of well-being is that happiness is the polar opposite of suffering; the presence of happiness indicates the absence of pain
Hedonist believe that the purpose of life is to maximize happiness, which minimized misery
Hedonist believe that the purpose of life is to maximize happiness, which minimized misery
Eudaimonia, a term that combines the Greek word for "good" and "spirit" to describe ideology
Eudaimonia defines happiness as the pursuit of becoming a better person
Eudamonia means "good-spirited", coined by Aristotle. It describes the pinnacle of happiness that is attainable by humans.
According to Aristotle, there is an end of all of the actions that we perform which we desire for itself - eudaimonia, flourishing or happiness, which is desired for its own sake
According to Aristotle, there is an end of all of the actions that we perform which we desire for itself - eudaimonia, flourishing or happiness, which is desired for its own sake
Eudaimonia is a property of one's life when considered as a whole
Nicomachaen Ethics (philisophical inquiry into the nature of the good life for a human being) was Written by Aristotle's son, Nicomachus