Worldwide collection of computer networks that links millions of computers used by businesses, the government, educational institutions, and etc. using modems, phone lines, television cables, satellite links and other communication devices
Company that has a permanent connection to the Internet Backbone. ISPs utilize-or-medium-speed data lines to allow individuals and companies to connect backbone for access to the internet
Computer that stores and sends (servers) requested Web pages and files. Any computer that has Web server software installed and is connected to the internet can act as a Web server
Copying of Web pages and other files to a Web server. Once a Web page is published, anyone who has access to the Internet can view it, regardless of where the Web server is located
Known as Web site, is a site generally available to the public. Individuals, groups, companies, and educational institutions use Internet sites or Web sites, for a variety of purposes
Private network that uses Internet technologies to share business information with select corporate partners or key customers. Most extranets are password-protected to restrict access to specific suppliers, vendors, partners, or customers
Address of a document or other file accessible on the internet. To locate a Web page using a browser, you type its Uniform Resource Locator in the Browsers Address, or Location Bar
There are six heading elements (<H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6>). All the six heading elements are containertag and requires a closingtag. <h1> will print the largest heading and <h6> will print the smallest heading