Rock Anthems

Cards (14)

  • Rock anthems
    • 1970s-1980s
  • Rock Anthem artists
    Guns and Roses
    Bon Jovi
  • Rock Anthem features
    • 4/4 time
    • electric: guitar, bass. drums, keyboards and vocals
    • distortion + effects:delay, chorus and wah-wah(talking box)
    • follow a verse-chorus storage
    • darker lyrics than standard pop
  • Musical features of rock anthems of the 1970s and 1980s
    • Most rock music is in 4/4 time, with a heavy backbeat
    • Instruments usually included electric guitar, electric bass, drums, keyboards and vocals
    • Distorted electric guitars, using additional effects such as delay, chorus and wah-wah
    • The rise of the guitar hero - guitarists who combined playing riffs with long, virtuosic, improvised solos
    • Although there is much more emphasis on instrumental sections, songs often follow a conventional verse-chorus structure
    • Lyrics have a darker mood than standard pop music lyrics
  • The structure is verse-chorus form, with solo vocals in the verse and the backing vocals singing the famous chorus
  • Vocal melody
    • Uses a lot of repeated notes, and focuses on quite a small range (the interval of a 5th)
    • The chorus melody is simple and therefore easy to remember
  • Guitar
    • Plays a sustained pedal note (E) in the chorus before it comes in, using feedback from the amplifier
    • Electric guitar is heavily distorted, an effect caused by overdriving the amplifier
  • Musical elements and devices in 'Livin' on a Prayer'
    • Pitch and melody (including bass lines and riffs)
    • Rhythm and metre
    • Texture
    • Structure and phrasing
    • Harmony and tonality
    • Repetition, ostinato and sequence
    • Technology, including amplification and recording techniques
  • Pitch and Melody
    • Opening riff performed on a guitar talkbox
    • Chorus is high in the male range with a modulation towards the end
  • Rhythm and Metre
    • Heavy backbeat
    • Some drum fills leading into a changing section
    • Unexpected ¾ bar after modulation
  • Texture
    • Mostly melody and accompaniment (Homophonic texture)
    • Build up in the introduction. Sustained keyboard chord, followed by bass guitar and finger cymbals before the drum kit comes crashing in, along with the guitar riff
    • Backing vocals in the bridge and chorus
    • Texture varies between verse, bridge and chorus. Keyboard changed from repeated quavers to crotchets in the bridge
  • Structure and phrasing
    • Typical verse- chorus form with a bridge before the chorus
    • Intro, verse, bridge, chorus, link, guitar solo, middle 8 sections
  • Harmony and tonality
    • E minor in verse
    • Overall tonality in the chorus is major
    • Modulation after the 3rd bridge section to Bb major (typical in pop music)
  • Technology and recording techniques
    • Reverb added to most instruments
    • Guitars are heavily distorted