Subdecks (3)

Cards (111)

  • Integrative Art
    refers to integration of two or more art forms to create more engaging and quality masterpieces.
  • (3) Three form of arts
    1. Visual Arts
    2. Literary Arts
    3. Performing Arts
    1. Visual Arts
    is an expression of artistic ideas through image, structures, and tactile works.
  • Example of Visual Arts
    1. Painting
    2. Sculpture
    3. Architecture
  • 2. Literary Arts
    a creative use of language
  • Examples of Literary Arts
    1. Poetry
    2. Prose
    3. Drama
  • 3. Performing Arts
    it is performed in front of audiences.
  • Examples of Performing Arts
    1. Dance
    2. Musicals
    3. Theaters
    4. Films
    5. TV shows
  • (6) Six Elements of Art
    1. Space
    2. Line
    3. Shape and Form
    4. Color
    5. Value
    6. Texture
    1. Space
    it pertains to emptiness.
  • 2 Classification of Space
    1. Positive Space: part that is enclosed in a shape.
    2. Negative Space: opposite part that shape is enclosing.
  • 2. Line
    it is a series of points that have two characteristics:
    • Form (curved, dotted, or broken)
    • Direction (vertical, horizontal, or diagonal)
  • Line in THEATER
    LINE pertains to the script
  • Line in DANCE
    LINE is the routine of steps
  • 3. Shape and Form
    it is formed by connecting both ends of a line.
    • Shape: two-dimensional figure with length and width.
    • Form: three-dimensional figure with length, width, and depth.
  • 4. Color
    it is when a light bounces off an object and reaches our eyes.
    it may have lightness and darkness, coolness and warmness.
  • 5. Value
    it is a property of color that pertains to the lightness or darkness.
  • Value in MUSIC
    VALUE refers to the pitch.
  • 6. Texture
    it is the tactile or illusory surface of the piece.
  • Texture in MUSIC
    TEXTURE refers to the mood or quality of the composition.
  • (7) Seven Principles of Art
    1. Scale and Proportion
    2. Harmony
    3. Variety
    4. Movement
    5. Rhythm
    6. Balance
    7. Emphasis and Subordination
    1. Scale and Proportion
    it is the relationship of the elements particularly the relative size of parts of a whole.
  • 2. Harmony
    it is the unity of the artwork specifically in reference to the arrangement of parts.
  • 3. Variety
    it is the diversity
    it is adding multiple elements to break the artwork's monotony and make it more interesting.
  • 4. Movement
    it serves as one of the fundamental form in theater.
    It is when art incorporates the passage of time over in an illusory matter.
  • 5. Rhythm
    it is the repetition of elements to produce a pattern.
    it may create a certain flow and lead the viewer's eye.
  • 6. Balance
    it is the even distribution of elements.
    2 types:
    • informal balance/asymmetric
    • formal balance/symmetric
  • 7. Emphasis and Subordination
    • Emphasis: refers to the greater impact given on a certain element.
    • Subordination: the opposite of emphasis, refers to how certain elements supplement the emphasized elements in a design.