
Cards (11)

  • Wilson
    The process in which religious thinking, practice and institutions lose social significance
  • Giddens
    The process where religion loses it's influence over vaious social spheres of life
  • Religious participation
    The number of people who attend church services
  • Religious disengagement
    The church is no longer the forefront/main provider within society
  • Religious pluralism
    More than one religion exists, people don't know what to believe
  • Desacrilisation
    The sacred has little to no place in contemporary, Western society. Science and rationality begin to question religion
  • Secularisation of religious institutions
    Churches compromise their beliefs and stop being critical of society
  • Globalisation and Fundamentalism
    Extreme religion where they think their religion is the 'correct' one and cannot be questioned. Opposition leads to violence
  • New voluntarism
    Found that people attend and believe if they want to
  • Kendal project
    We are not experiencing a religious revolution
  • Grace Davie
    'Belief without belonging'