
Cards (18)

  • Plot is the most essential element needed on
  • Plot is an essential element of a story that shows the sequence of events
  • Each particular part of the plot reveals the character, setting, problem, and the moral
  • Plot is the basic structure or organization of events that make up a story
  • Elements of plot

    • Exposition
    • Conflict
    • Rising Action
    • Falling Action
    • Resolution
  • Exposition

    Introduces the main character(s) and the setting of the story
  • Conflict

    Does not only tell the problem in the story but also shows the character(s) struggles, creating suspense and excitement
  • Types of conflict

    • Character vs character
    • Character vs nature
    • Character vs society
    • Character vs self
    • Character vs supernatural forces
  • Rising Action

    Events that lead to a climax, increasing tension
  • Falling Action

    When the tension decreases and everything begins to settle down
  • Resolution

    Reveals what happens to the character(s) after the conflict is settled, and tells the end of the story
  • First person point of view

    When the main character is telling the story, uses 'I', 'me', 'my', 'myself'
  • Second person point of view
    Generally only used in instructional writing, refers to the reader as 'you'
  • Third person point of view
    When the narrator is not a character in the story
  • Types of third person point of view

    • Third person objective
    • Third person limited
    • Third person omniscient
  • Third person objective

    A narrator tells a third person story using 'he', 'she', 'him', 'her'
  • Third person limited

    The narrator's perspective is limited to the internal thoughts and feelings of one or more characters
  • Third person omniscient

    The narrator grants the reader the most access to the characters' thoughts, feelings, and experiences