Seersucker - A thin, all-cotton fabric,commonly striped, used tomake clothing for spring andsummer wear, suits, slacksand children's clothing
Cotton - A soft, staple fiber andbrings comfort to childrenbecause it is breathable
Rayon - Usually colorful and easy toe.g. blouses, dresses,jackets, lingerie, linings,scarves, suits, ties, hats,socks
Pique - A medium weight, cottonblend fabric which ischaracterized by raised aparallel cords or fine ribbingthat resembles a check. It isused to make vests, coats,the collars of polo shirts,fitted blouses and children's clothes
Linen - A textile made from thefibers of the flax plant. It ishlabor-intensive to make, butits garments are valued forexceptional coolness andafreshness in hot weather. Ithis also very absorbent, butwrinkles easily unlessblended with manufactured fibers
Organza - A thin, plain-weave, sheerfabric is traditionally madefrom silk, the continuousfilament of silkworms. Nowadays, though manys organzas are woven with a synthetic filament fibers such as polyester or nylon, the most luxurious organzas
Silk - A natural protein fiber, someforms of which can be woveninto textiles. Silk is smooth,glossy and beautiful. It isalso strong and vulnerableto fading and stains
Tulle andNetting - A lightweight, very finenetting, which is oftenstarched. It can be made ofvarious fibers, includingsilk, nylon and rayon. Tulleis most commonly used forveils, gowns (particularly -wedding gowns) and ballettutus
Challis - A type of plain-weave fabric,usually made from cotton,wool or rayon, often printedwith a design, often floral.Used to make dresses, skirts.and other articles ofclothing