
Cards (16)

  • Different Accessories used in Dresses

    • Bands - strips of fabric, ribbon or bias applied to edges or set into garments to finish or decorate
    • Bracelet - ornamental chain for wrist and arm
    • Brooch - a large ornamental pin placed in front or shoulder arm
    • Fan - a flat unit permanently mounted on the frame
    • Handkerchief - a piece of cotton fabric, linen or silk that is typically square and adorned with lace and embroidery
    • Hat - a shaped head covering, having crown and brim
    • Hosiery - consist of hose and stockings
    • Shoes - flat-closed or high-heeled footwear fitted for style, comfort, and freedom
  • Common Trimmings Used in Dresses

    • Frog - loop fastening made of braid or cording
    • Appliqué - a separate design for petals, leaves or figures which is cut and applied to another surface
    • Binding - a strip of bias used to decorate an edge
    • Buttons - pieces of metals, bones, glasses withshanks or holes of various shapes and sizes
    • Collar - bands attached over necklines, sometimesthey are cut as part of the front bodice
    • Embroidery - an ornamental needlework consisting of designs, work on fabric by hand or machine
    • Gathers - fullness shirring consist of three or morerows of gather
    • Lace -is a delicate fabric made of thread or yarn in anopen web like pattern, made by hand or by machine
    • Loop - a fastening which extends beyond the finishedges used on closings with no fap
    • Pocket - fabric piece used to shape a pouch on adress
    • Ribbons-a thin fabric of silk or velvet used for trimming
    • Rickrack - a flat woven zigzag braid in mercerizedcotton or rayon
    • Ruffles -strips of cloth gathered together or pleated asa trimming to finish edges
    • Scallop - an edge finish made up of a series of semi-circles
  • Types of Fabrics Suited for Children's Dress
    • Seersucker - A thin, all-cotton fabric,commonly striped, used tomake clothing for spring andsummer wear, suits, slacksand children's clothing
    • Cotton - A soft, staple fiber andbrings comfort to childrenbecause it is breathable
    • Rayon - Usually colorful and easy toe.g. blouses, dresses,jackets, lingerie, linings,scarves, suits, ties, hats,socks
    • Pique - A medium weight, cottonblend fabric which ischaracterized by raised aparallel cords or fine ribbingthat resembles a check. It isused to make vests, coats,the collars of polo shirts,fitted blouses and children's clothes
    • Linen - A textile made from thefibers of the flax plant. It ishlabor-intensive to make, butits garments are valued forexceptional coolness andafreshness in hot weather. Ithis also very absorbent, butwrinkles easily unlessblended with manufactured fibers
    • Organza - A thin, plain-weave, sheerfabric is traditionally madefrom silk, the continuousfilament of silkworms. Nowadays, though manys organzas are woven with a synthetic filament fibers such as polyester or nylon, the most luxurious organzas
    • Silk - A natural protein fiber, someforms of which can be woveninto textiles. Silk is smooth,glossy and beautiful. It isalso strong and vulnerableto fading and stains
    • Tulle andNetting - A lightweight, very finenetting, which is oftenstarched. It can be made ofvarious fibers, includingsilk, nylon and rayon. Tulleis most commonly used forveils, gowns (particularly -wedding gowns) and ballettutus
    • Challis - A type of plain-weave fabric,usually made from cotton,wool or rayon, often printedwith a design, often floral.Used to make dresses, skirts.and other articles ofclothing
  • Kinds of Sleeves
    • Kimono sleeves - is a type of sleeves cut together with the bodice. There is noseam joining at the armhole
    • Raglan Sleeves - are patterned and cut that extends to the shoulder neckjunctions and cancels the armhole seams
    • Set-in Sleeves - is the foundation of all types of sleeves and usually cut to fit thearmhole to the desired length
    • Puff Sleeves - comes in three variations: a) full at the top and bottom, b) full at the top fitted at the bottom, and c) fitted at the top full at the bottom
    • Butterfly sleeves - is a type of sleeve that flares out over shoulder resembling like wings of the butterfly
    • Angel sleeves - is a loose-fitting flared sleeve, typically draping from the shouldereither gathered or plain, being very wide at the bottom edge and often reaching toaor beyond the wrist
    • Bell sleeves is usually fitted at the shoulder and slightly tapers out like a bell atathe bottom. Can be worn short or long in length
  • Types of Collars
    • Sailor collar (from midshipman), a flat collar comes ofseveral shapes in front and almost cover the back ofthe wearer. It was made popular in the Victorian erafor children
    • Peter Pan Collar - usually small flat close fittingcollar with round-cornered that meet at the top infront. Named after the collar of the costume worn in1905 by actress Maude Adams in her role as Peter Panand particularly associated with little girls' dresses
    • Convertible Collar - A collar designed to be worn ineither of two ways, with the neck button fastened orunfastened. It is attached to the garment neckline, andthe collar facing, which incorporates the raw edges ofthe material during the sewing process, ensures thatthe garment looks good whichever way the collar isbeing worn
  • Juan Crisostomo Ibarra
    A Filipino who was educated by his father Don Rafael in other countries. He lived in Europe for more than seven years before returning to the Philippines.
  • Kapitan Tiago prepared a big feast at his house to welcome the young man.
  • Guests invited
    • Padre Damaso
    • Padre Sibyla
    • Tinyente Guevarra
    • Donya Victorina
    • Other influential people in society
  • Maria Clara
    Crisostomo Ibarra's beautiful sweetheart. She is the adopted daughter of Kapitan Tiago, a wealthy person from Tondo.
  • Ibarra visited Tinyente Guevarra before leaving to confess the death of his father.
  • Ibarra prepared a lunch after the blessing. Padre Damaso attacked the young man again.
  • Ibarra almost stabbed the priest
    If he was not stopped by Maria Clara
  • Because of Ibarra's action, he was excommunicated.
  • Padre Damaso took advantage of Ibarra's excommunication and ordered Kapitan Tiago to stop the wedding of Maria Clara and Ibarra. Padre Damaso decided to marry Maria Clara to Alfonso Linares instead.
  • Ibarra and Maria Clara had the chance to talk before the planned escape. There, Ibarra learned that Padre Damaso is Maria Clara's real father, which is why he opposes their love and planned marriage.
  • On Christmas Eve, the wounded and weakened Elias reached the Ibarra forest, where he found Basilio and Sisa's cold body.