Cell structure + Organisation PART 2

Cards (14)

  • 4 functional group of eukaryotic cell
    1. manufacture
    2. nucleus
    3. DNA and RNA synthesis
    4. Assembly of ribosomal sub-units
    5. ribosomes
    6. protein synthesis
    7. RER
    8. synthesis of membrane, secretory proteins and hydrolytic enzymes
    9. formation of transport vesicles
    10. SER
    11. lipids synthesis
    12. carbohydrate metabolism and detoxification in liver cells
    13. low calcium storage
    14. Golgi apparatus
    15. modification, temporary storage, transport of macromolecules
    16. formation of lysosomes and transport vesicles
  • 4 functional categories of eukaryotic cell
    1. -
    2. Breakdown
    3. Lysosomes
    4. Digestion of nutrients, bacteria and damaged organelles
    5. Destruction of certain cells during embryonic development
    6. Vacuoles + vesicles
    7. Digestion of nutrients, bacteria and damaged organelles
    8. Storage of chemicals
    9. cell enlargement
    10. water balance
  • 4 functional categories of eukaryotic cell
    1. -
    2. -
    3. energy processing
    4. chloroplast
    5. conversion of light energy to chemical energy
    6. mitochondria
    7. conversion of chemical energy of food to chemical energy of ATP
  • 4 functional categories of eukaryotic cell
    1. _
    2. -
    3. -
    4. support, movement and communication between cells
    5. cytoskeleton
    6. maintain cell's shape + anchor organelles
    7. movement of organelles within cell + cell movement
    8. mechanical transmission of signals between exterior of cells and interior
    9. cell wall
    10. maintain cell's shape + skeletol support
    11. surface protection
    12. binding of cells in tissues
  • Structure, characteristics and functions
    1. Microvilli
    2. Extensive folding of cell membrane
    3. To increase surface area for absorption
    4. Cell membrane
    5. Bilayer of phospholipid molecule with inserted proteins
    6. Gateway and barrier for movement of molecules between interior of cell and extracellular fluid
  • Structure, characteristics and functions
    1. Cytosol
    2. Semi-gelatinous substance
    3. Contains dissolved materials, ions, wastes and insoluble inclusions
    4. To suspend organelles
    5. Mitochondria
    6. Double wall with control matrix
    7. Produces most of cell's ATP
    8. Golgi apparatus
    9. Hollow membrane sacs
    10. Modifies and packages protein
  • Structure, characteristics and functions
    1. Nucleus
    2. Central lumen with a two-membrane outer envelope with pores
    3. Region of DNA, RNA and proteins
    4. Contains DNA to direct all functions of cell
    5. Contains genes for RNA synthesis
    6. RER
    7. Membrane tubules that is continues with the outer nuclear membrane, edged with ribosomes
    8. Proteins synthesis
  • Structure, characteristics and function
    1. SER
    2. Membrane tubules that is continues with the outer nuclear membrane
    3. Synthesis of fatty acids, steroids and lipids
    4. Ribosomes
    5. Granules of RNA and proteins
    6. Assembly of amino acids to proteins
  • Animal cells
    1. No cell wall
    2. No chloroplast
    3. Centrioles present
    4. Many, small, temporary vacuoles
    5. Cholesterol present in plasma membrane
    6. Stores glycogen
  • Plant cells
    1. Have cell wall
    2. Have chloroplast
    3. Centrioles absent
    4. Large, central vacuole
    5. Cholesterol absent in plasma membrane
    6. Stores starch
  • Red blood cells
    1. No nucleus
    2. Circular and biconcave in shape
    3. Increases surface area to volume ratio
    4. Allows oxygen to diffuse into cells at a faster rate
    5. Red in color due to haemoglobin
  • Mitonchondria
    1. Aerobic respiration
    2. oxidises glucose to release energy
    3. double membrane
    4. Endosymbiosis
  • Cell wall
    1. Made out of cellulose
    2. Protect cell from injury
    3. Fixed shape
    4. Fully permeable
    5. Absent in animal cells
  • Choroplasts
    1. Green pigment
    2. Double membrane
    3. Stroma
    4. Thylakoids, stacked to form granum