Hydrogen bonds occur between water molecules because water is a polar molecule. It is also slighty negative charged oxygen atoms attract slightly positively charged hydrogen atoms of otherwatermolecules
5 properties of weater that are important in biology:
High specifc heat capacity
High latent heat of vaporisation
Strong cohesion between water molecules
Metabolite is important in biology because it is used in condensation, hydrolysis, photosynthesis and respiration
Solvents are important in biology because it allows metabollicreactions to occur and it also allows the transport of substances e.g, nitrates in the xylem and urea in blood
High specific heat capacity is important in biology because it buffers temperature changes. It can also gain and lose a lot of heat and energy without changing temperature. This provides a habitat for aquatic organisms as temperature is more stable than lands and it helps organisms maintain a constantinternalbodytemperature.
High latent heat of vaporisation allows effective cooling via the evaporation of a small volume e.g, sweat so it helps organisms maintain a constantinternalbodytemperature
Strong cohesion between water molecules supports columns of water e.g, transpirationstream through xylem in plants. It also produces surface tension, supporting small organisms.