Psychology Approaches - Cognitive Approach

Cards (7)

  • Cognitive approach
    A way of studying mental processes through the use of models and experiments
  • The cognitive approach is based on the assumption that the mind can be studied like a computer, processing information
  • Cognitive Approach - A01
    Internal mental processes can be studied scientifically, which contrasts with the beliefs of the Behavioural Approach
  • Studying internal mental processes - A01
    Through computer models which is represented for human cognition
  • Schemas - A01
    Mental frameworks of beliefs and expectations that influence cognitive processing. They contain our understanding of an object, person or idea
  • Cognitive Neuroscience - A01

    An area of Psychology which studies cognitive functions. Came into use after techniques such as MRI and PET scans were introduced to investigate regions of the brain that associate with language and speech
  • A03 for Cognitive Approach
    • Uses objective and scientific methods in research, therefore findings are reliable.
    • Reduces Human behaviour by comparing our minds to computer models, therefore reductionist because human emotion is ignored.
    • It is employed by psychologists and it forms the basis for successful therapies, therefore has real life application.