Religion and Life

Cards (34)

  • Abortion
    Deliberate expulsion of the foetus from the womb with intention to destroy it
  • Active euthanasia
    Active steps are taken to end a life eg medicine is given
  • Afterlife
    Beliefs about what happens after we die to our self/ soul
  • Animal rights
    The idea that animals should have rights because of respect for life
  • Awe
    An overwhelming feeling often of reverence with a link to God
  • Big Bang Theory
    The scientific view of beginning of the universe
  • Charles Darwin
    The man who put forward the theory of evolution in the 19th century
  • Conception
    When the sperm fertilises the female egg so allowing pregnancy
  • Conservation
    To repair and protect animals and areas of natural beauty
  • Creation
    The idea that God created the world/ universe from nothing
  • Deforestation
    Cutting down large amounts of the rainforest
  • Dominion
    The idea that humans have the right to control all of creation
  • Environment

    The world around us
  • Eternity
    Having no end / going on forever
  • Euthanasia
    Mercy killing; ending life for someone who is terminally ill, or has degenerative disease
  • Evolution
    The change in inherited traits in species
  • Ex nihilo
    The idea that God created the universe from nothing
  • Fossil fuels
    The Earth's natural resources – coal, oil and gas
  • Fundamentalist Christians

    Christians who believe that the statements in the bible are literally true
  • Hospice
    A place that cares for the dying, usually from an incurable disease
  • Involuntary euthanasia

    Euthanasia is decided by someone else (eg if a person is in a coma)
  • Natural resources
    The resources the earth provides without the aid of mankind
  • Pesticide
    Chemicals used to kill pests, especially on crops
  • Pollution
    Making something dirty and contaminated eg light, water, air
  • Pro-choice
    Pressure groups which campaign for the right of a woman to decide on abortion
  • Pro-life
    Pressure groups which campaign against abortion/ euthanasia
  • Quality of life
    How good/ comfortable life is
  • Right to die
    The belief that a human being should be able to control their own death
  • Sanctity of life
    Life is special and created by God
  • Science
    Knowledge coming from observed regularity in nature and experimentation
  • Stewardship
    Duty to look after the world, and life
  • Sustainable development
    Building and progress that tries to reduce the impact on the environment for future generations
  • Sustainable energy
    Resources that are renewable e.g solar, wind and nuclear power
  • Vegan
    A person who does not eat animals or food produced by animas eg milk