A flowchart is a diagram that uses graphic symbols to depict the nature and flow of the steps in a process.
Another name for flow chart is "flow diagram."
A flowchart is commonly used by systems analysts to visualize the series of processes in a business systern
A terminator is represented by a small rectangle with curved comers. A terminator appears at the start and at the end of a flowchart
The end terminator appears only once on a single flowchart.
A process is represented by a rectangle. It refers to an action in a business process. It must be described clearly and concisely
A process can be described using a single verb- noun phrase; for example, "Order Office Supplies."
A sub-process is represented by a rectangle with double lines on each side. A sub- process is a major process that could be broken up into simpler processes developed into another flowchart
A decision is represented by a diamond. A process that can answer a decision of "yes" or "no" requires a decision box.
A connector is represented by a small circle or a connector box and is labeled using letters
Arrow lines drawn in one direction, preferably from top to bottom, keep a flowchart clear
A deployment flowchart shows the actual process flow and identifies the people or groups involved in each step.
A linear flowchart is a diagram that displays the sequence of work steps that make up a process.