Deliberateremoval ofthefoetusfrom the womb. Apregnancyis ended so thatit does not result in the birth of a child
Absolute Morality
Rule apply to all situationsandcannever be broken
Relative Morality
What is right or wrongin each case depends on thesituation
Situation Ethics
Rightness or wrongnessof an act is on a case-by-case basis
Beingagainst abortionbecausethefoetus has the right to live
The Motherhas theright to choose whether or not she has an abortion
Roman Catholic Abortion
Roman Catholicsare against abortion under any circumstances, because they believe that life is sacredandGodgiven
All humans are made 'in the image of God' and are precious and should be protected even in the womb
Life begins at conception and so abortion is taking away a human life
Abortion breaks the 6th commandment 'Do not kill' and so is murder
Most Christians (not just Roman Catholics) are against abortion carried out for social reasons, such as limiting the size of your family
Some Christians believe that an abortion may be the most loving thing to do in certain circumstances, such as:
If the child is to be born seriously disabled
If the child is unwanted or unloved
If the child is the result of a rape
Humanism Abortion
Humanists take a situation ethics approach and follow relative morality
Quality of life is more important than sanctity of life. If the foetus will not have a happy life, or will have a life of suffering, abortion should be allowed
Humanists are pro-choice. Only the mother has the right to decide
The embryo is not a human so abortion is not ending a human life
Church in Wales -
In some instances, abortion may be allowed if the pregnancy threatens the life of the mother
Early abortion is not murder as the foetus is just a collection of cells
God has given humans free will to decide. She should follow her conscience