Court was a group of advisors , officials, ladies in waiting, and nobles whom lived with Eliz
A progress was a journey made to travel the country which allowed E to demonstrate power
Patrinage was the system where powerful roles were given to court in exchange for their loyalty
Elizabeths problems:
exoerience and position
foreign affairs
Head of CofE
the Pope didn't permit Henry VII's divorce so he broke from rome
Henry broke from the church
To marry Anne Boleyn
Anne Boleyn was pregnant before marriage, Henry was still married to Catherine of Aragon
Elizabeth was considered a 'usurper' (Stole her position) by Catholics
Rulers of England
Henry VIII - Catholic
Edward VI - Protestant
Mary Tudor I - Catholic
Elizabeth I - Protestant
Martin Luther's 95 thesis led to the Reformation and Examination
Mary Tudor I locked up Elizabeth I
Elizabeth I was Head of the Church of England1568-1603
'Foxe's book of Martyrs' documented Protestant persecution under Elizabeth I
Elizabeth I's upbringing
Very sheltered during Henry 7's and Edwards reigns, so was unprepared
Isolated and imprisoned in The Tower by Mary(bloody)
Most of Europe was Roman Catholic during Elizabeth I's reign
England was sandwiched between enemy alliances
This caused foreign affairs problems for Elizabeth I
Mary Queen of Scots was Elizabeth I's cousin, her grandma was Henry 8's sister, Margaret
Pope Pius accused Elizabeth I of being an usurper
Lord Burghley
WILLIAM CECIL, Chief Secretary of State, 40 yrs experience, moderate potent, lord treasurer
Robert Dudley
Earl of Leicester, Son of the Duke of Northumberland, 'my eyes', puritan, challenged Cecil, gentry & nobility, married E's cousin Lettice Knollys, appointed 1562
Francis Walsingham
Spy detective, multilingual, foreign affairs, disagreed with Cecil, 'my more', challenged E, hated jesuits, Parliament 1571-72
Christopher Hatton
Lord Chancellor, dancer, music legs, attractive, hated Puritans
Robert Devereux
Earl of Essex, lord deputy of Ireland, 'sweet robin', Catholic sympathiser, E's boy toy, hated Cecil, Dudley's stepson, 1601 rebellion - executed for treason, young, gigolo, arrogant, angry