chapter 10 - politics beyond the UK

Cards (17)

  • democracy rankinf measures the qualirt of politics and the quality of society to decide how far a country is democratic
  • direct democracy - a type of democracy where citizens are dominant and have a key role in making decisions
  • federation - a union of partially self-governing states or regions under a central government
  • republic - a country in which power is held only by elected representatives - no monarch
  • political culture - the attitudes and beliefs that underpin practices and behavior in the political system
  • consensus - general agreement
  • switzerland is a federation of cantons
  • cantons have independence from the federal government
  • switzerland is known as a direct democracy
  • China is ranked 106th in the world for democracy
  • tyranny of the majority - a majority of people making decisions that discriminate against the minority
  • politburo - the main policy-making committee of a communist party
  • political participation - involvement in decision - making
  • A communist society would entail the absence of private property and social classes, and ultimately money and the state (or nation state). Communists often seek a voluntary state of self-governance but disagree on the means to this end.
  • unicameral - a parliament with a single chamber
  • indirect election system - when citizens elect representatives whi then take responsibility for electing delegates to a higher layer of government
  • authoritarian regime - a gov that uses its power to enforce strict obidience to its policies and practices. as a result, personal freedom is restricted