Eukaryotic cells

Cards (19)

  • Nuclear envelope - double membrane that controls reactions taking place in the nucleus
  • Nucleolus - manufactures ribosomal RNA and assembles the ribosomes
  • Chromosomes - consist of protein bound DNA
  • Nuclear pores - allow passage of molecules such as RNA out of the nucleus
  • Nucleus - contains genetic material and controls the activities of the cell
  • Mitochondria - site of aerobic respiration, responsible for the production of ATP
  • Mitochondrial double membrane - controls entry and exit of material
  • Mitochondrial cristae - provide a large surface area for enzyme attachment and in respiration
  • Mitochondrial matrix - allows production of its own proteins
  • Chloroplast envelope - double membrane that surrounds the organelle, controls what leaves and enters the chloroplast
  • The grana - stacks of disc-like structures called thylakoids (where photosynthesis occurs). Has a large surface area for attachment of chlorophyll
  • The stroma - where the light independent reaction occurs
  • Rough endoplasmic reticulum - coated in a layer of ribosomes, used in protein synthesis
  • Smooth endoplasmic reticulum - synthesises and stores lipids
  • Golgi apparatus - modifies, labels, packages, and transports proteins. Proteins are transported in Golgi vesicles, which are pinched off from the end of the golgi cisternae
  • Lysosomes - contain lysozymes which are hydrolytic enzymes which break down cell walls of cells and lead to apoptosis
  • Ribosomes - Site of protein synthesis in the cell.
    • 70S - smaller, found in prokaryotic cells
    • 80S - bigger, found in eukaryotic cells
  • Cell wall - made out of cellulose, providing strength to the cell stopping it from bursting
  • Vacuoles - make cells turgid and and colour to petals