Ebenezer Scrooge

Cards (5)

  • ''are there no workhouses''
    This ignorant response reinforces the insensitivity towards the poor which is seen through his relationship with Bob Cratchit as he neglects him of basic necessities and warmth.
  • ''he carried his low temperatures always about him''

    The pathetic fallacy represents Scrooge's characteristics as a person, he is so degrading towards the poor and maybe some many argue they understand why Scrooge is as lonely as he is.
  • ''solitary as an oyster''
    This encapsulates Scrooge as a person. The simile shows a side of redemption for Scrooge as oyster's share a beautiful pearl inside which introduces the idea of Scrooge changing. This also highlights the loneliness of Scrooge.
  • ''no wind blew that was bitter than he''

    The hyperbolic phrase of the wind shows the emphasis of how Scrooge was very cruel.
  • ''a idol has displaced … a golden one''
    His wealth is a godly figure that has replaced his girlfriend. This shows how Scrooge priorities materialistic figures over his relationships.