how it works

Cards (10)

  • The kinetic energy of the water flowing back and forward with the tides is used to turn the blades of turbines on solid structures fixed to the sea floor. This powers generators that convert the kinetic energy into electrical energy that can be transported back to land through undersea cables.
  •  water flowing through a narrow channel such as an estuary 
  • Each day, coastal areas experience two high tides and two low tides.
  • These tides contain a lot of energy.
  • huge amounts of water move in and out of river mouths each day because of the tides.
  • tidal barrage is a barrier that can be built across a river estuary to make use of the kinetic energy in the moving water of the tides.
  • These barrages contain turbines which are driven by the water rushing through pipes in the barrage
  • he turbines turn generators which produce electricity.
  • When the tide comes in, water flows through the turbines generating electricity.
    The water can be stored behind the barrage andthen released out through the turbines as the tide goes out,again generating electricity.
    A) turbine
    B) mouth of a river
    C) low tide
    D) high tide
    E) ocean
    F) barrage
  • The place where a river flows into the sea is called an