Owed land, received money from peasants, didn't pay taxes
2nd Estate
Privileges of the 2nd Estate
Right to sword, titles, land, few taxes, collected feudal dues from peasants, Primogeniture
Population of the peasants = 80%
Last Estates General meeting was 175 years ago
What the peasants had to pay
Feudal dues
How the National Assembly came to be
Estates General said everyone shouldn't vote individually, they revolted and met on their own
Who said "after me, the deluge"
louis xv (15)
Who built Versailles
louis xiv (14)
Who was the "well-beloved" king = louis xv (15)
How old was Louis XVI when he became king = 19
Why Louis XVI called in the Estates General
Debt - upper class won't get taxed and bankers won't give him money
Abbé Sieyès: '"Nothing would be good without the 3rd estate" - 3rd estate is EVERYTHING'
Problem with the Estates General meeting they hadn’t met in 175 years so they didn’t know their powers, how it works, and they argued what the rules were,
Why the Estates General voting was unfair
Each estates was allowed 1 vore BUT the 1st and 2ndoutvoted the 3rd
Tennis Court Oath
The oath many people took to not stop meeting until a constitution was written and adopted
Where was Marie Antoinette from
Storming of the Bastille
July 14, 1789
What caused the Great Fear
Hunger, poor harvest, rumors, many peasant riots - REBELLION
What the August Decrees did
Abolished feudalism, repealed all feudal dues and tithes, removed privileges
Declared the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen - freedom of speech, press, all men are equal, right to government, right to resist oppression, public office, etc.
Influences on the Declaration of Rights of Man
US Declaration of Independence and the English Bill of Rights
Main idea behind the Declaration of Rights of Man
Democracy and rights
What the Women's March accomplished = Forced king louisxvi 16 to move to Paris
Who wrote the Declaration of Rights of Women
Olympe de gouge
When did Louis try to escape = After the constitution of 1791
What replaced the National Assembly = Legislative assembly
When did the French start talking about a republic = After louis tried to escape
What was the Declaration of Pillnitz = Let other European rulers to come help Louis xvi restore french monarchy
What officially ended the monarchy = death of king
Why did the Legislative Assembly dissolve = It voted itself out of existence and nationalconvection come in to write a new constitution
Execution method = Guillotine
Reign of Terror begins
Sept 1793
A Jacobin leader who was in charge of the Reign of Terror
Nobles who fled France and tried to get foreign countries to restore the monarchy
Came from Gironde, represented middle class, feared a dominated Paris France, republicans but NOT radicals
Major figures executed during the Reign of Terror
King Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Charlotte Corday, Olympe de Gouges, Danton
What came after the Reign of Terror = Reforms of the NationalConvention
What the National Convention had to deal with
Revolts in France
Foreign invaders
Another constitution
Create a republic
Get rid of the monarch
What the French army did after defeating Austria and Prussia = invade Austriannetherlands