Test review

Cards (44)

  • 3rd Estate
    • Peasants
    • Laborers
    • Bourgeoisie
  • Privileges of the 1st Estate
    Owed land, received money from peasants, didn't pay taxes
  • 2nd Estate

    • Nobles
  • Privileges of the 2nd Estate
    • Right to sword, titles, land, few taxes, collected feudal dues from peasants, Primogeniture
  • Population of the peasants = 80%
  • Last Estates General meeting was 175 years ago
  • What the peasants had to pay
    • Tithes
    • Feudal dues
    • Rents
    • Taxes
  • How the National Assembly came to be
    Estates General said everyone shouldn't vote individually, they revolted and met on their own
  • Who said "after me, the deluge"
    louis xv (15)
  • Who built Versailles
    louis xiv (14)
  • Who was the "well-beloved" king = louis xv (15)
  • How old was Louis XVI when he became king = 19
  • Why Louis XVI called in the Estates General
    Debt - upper class won't get taxed and bankers won't give him money
  • Abbé Sieyès: '"Nothing would be good without the 3rd estate" - 3rd estate is EVERYTHING'
  • Problem with the Estates General meeting they hadn’t met in 175 years so they didn’t know their powers, how it works, and they argued what the rules were,
  • Why the Estates General voting was unfair
    Each estates was allowed 1 vore BUT the 1st and 2nd outvoted the 3rd
  • Tennis Court Oath
    The oath many people took to not stop meeting until a constitution was written and adopted
  • Where was Marie Antoinette from
  • Storming of the Bastille
    July 14, 1789
  • What caused the Great Fear
    Hunger, poor harvest, rumors, many peasant riots - REBELLION
  • What the August Decrees did
    Abolished feudalism, repealed all feudal dues and tithes, removed privileges
    Declared the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen - freedom of speech, press, all men are equal, right to government, right to resist oppression, public office, etc.
  • Influences on the Declaration of Rights of Man
    US Declaration of Independence and the English Bill of Rights
  • Main idea behind the Declaration of Rights of Man
    Democracy and rights
  • What the Women's March accomplished = Forced king louis xvi 16 to move to Paris
  • Who wrote the Declaration of Rights of Women
    Olympe de gouge
  • When did Louis try to escape = After the constitution of 1791
  • What replaced the National Assembly = Legislative assembly
  • When did the French start talking about a republic = After louis tried to escape
  • What was the Declaration of Pillnitz = Let other European rulers to come help Louis xvi restore french monarchy
  • What officially ended the monarchy = death of king
  • Why did the Legislative Assembly dissolve = It voted itself out of existence and national convection come in to write a new constitution
  • Execution method = Guillotine
  • Reign of Terror begins
    Sept 1793
  • Robespierre
    A Jacobin leader who was in charge of the Reign of Terror
  • Émigrés
    Nobles who fled France and tried to get foreign countries to restore the monarchy
  • Girondists
    • Came from Gironde, represented middle class, feared a dominated Paris France, republicans but NOT radicals
  • Major figures executed during the Reign of Terror
    • King Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Charlotte Corday, Olympe de Gouges, Danton
  • What came after the Reign of Terror = Reforms of the National Convention
  • What the National Convention had to deal with
    • Disorder
    • Revolts in France
    • Foreign invaders
    • Another constitution
    • Create a republic
    • Get rid of the monarch
  • What the French army did after defeating Austria and Prussia = invade Austrian netherlands