Cards (20)

    Melchor F. Cichon
  • Melchor F. Cichon
    The Head of College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences Library, UP Visayas.
  • Melchor F. Cichon
    He maintains the website, Aklanon Literature, and also has a blog.
  • cradle, hammock, swing
  • Batya
    Basin used for washing clothes
  • patadyong
    An indigenous Philippine rectangular or tube-like wraparound skirt worn by both men and women of the Visayas islands and the Sulu Archipelago, similar to the Malong, or Sarong.
  • Calvary
    A representation of Christ's crucifixion, usually sculptured and in the open air It is any experience involving great suffering.
  • Multimedia and ICT Skills
    It is the field concerned with the computer-controlled integration of text, graphics, drawings, still and moving images (video), animation, audio, and any other media where every type of information can be represented, stored, transmitted and processed digitally (Marshall, 2001).
  • Initial or advanced knowledge on multimedia presentation is necessary in developing one’s ICT skills.
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) 

    To create more interactive and supportive global learning using wide varieties of technology as learning channels.
  • Email management and set up
    sending emails, managing spam setting, inbox and stationary settings, creating digital signatures and many others
  • online research
    searching and joining online forums, searching web engines, crediting sources
  • social media management
    managing FB, Instagram, Reddit, LinkedIn, YouTube
  • online collaboration
    using video conferencing applications like Zoom and Google Meet, sharing files and making instant messages
  • desktop publishing
    MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Publisher, MS Excel, print setting, and word processing and data management samples.
  • Fair Use
    This means that anyone cannot make a copy of a material without permission.
  • Portion Limitation
    • Motion media: up to 10% of the whole or 3 minutes (whichever is less)
    • Text material: up to 10% but never should exceed 1,000 words Music, lyrics, and music video: up to 10% but never should exceed 30 seconds
    • Illustration and Photographs: may use entire picture, but never more than 5 images by one artist or photographer; while, when using pieces from a collected works publication, 10% of the whole or 15 images are allowed
    • Numerical data sets: up to 10% or 2,500 fields or cell entries
  • a learner is tasked to produce a video about Dullying. Me mignt be temptea to Incluae mis picture oi video of a fellow learner being bullied. The said photo or video can be published legally, but if you really wish to practice good ethics, you might first consider the person's feelings before publishing his swollen face
    ethical considerations
  • it is still best to to give credit to the creator of the works whenever possible for publicity's sake so they will be motivated to share more of their works.
    giving credit to the original source
  • A student is instructed to write an essay about Rizal Park and he may point out that the size of the area is 58 hectares. By citing the statistic, it is not legally required to have its source be cited. But it is unlikely that the learner would independently know that, so still it would be better to add more credibility to his paper by citing the source.
    Credibility issues