Cards (11)

  • Graphic Organizer
    The diagrammatic way of organizing facts, concepts ideas or terms
  • Peer Assessment
    One's responsibility in evaluating or assessing other learner's work against a set of assessment criteria related to the learning goal
  • Rubric
    Scoring guide used to evaluate a performance, product or project that is composed of three parts: performance criteria, rating scale and indicators
  • Self-Assessment
    Evaluation done by an individual to his or her own personal work or performance in respect to the specified standard of evaluation
  • Student-Led and Three-Way Conference
    Reflective learning strategy wherein a student is given an opportunity to present and explain his/her work in a conference, usually in the form of a portfolio
  • Target Setting
    Identification of important tasks to be executed and evaluated by an individual at work
  • Time Management
    Process of organizing and dividing a task into sub-tasks so that the specified targets can be achieved in just a short span of time
  • Self-assessment
    Involves making descriptive and evaluative decisions about your particular work or output
  • Peer assessment
    Your responsibility in evaluating another learner's work against set of assessment criteria related to a learning goal
  • criteria describes the key elements of the learner's work or performance.
  • rating scale identifies levels of performance