chapter 11

Cards (181)

  • Adenoids
    Lymphoid tissue located in the nasopharyngeal tonsils
  • Alveoli
    The tiny air sacs in the lungs through which gases are exchanged between the atmosphere and the blood in respiration
  • Bronchiole
    One of the small subdivisions of the bronchial tubes
  • Bronchus
    One of the larger air passageways in the lungs; the bronchi begin as two branches of the trachea and then subdivide within the lungs
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2)

    A gas produced by energy metabolism in cells and eliminated through the lungs
  • Carbonic acid
    An acid formed when carbon dioxide dissolves in water, H2CO3
  • Compliance
    A measure of how easily the lungs expand under pressure; compliance is reduced in many types of respiratory disorders
  • Diaphragm
    The dome-shaped muscle under the lungs that flattens during inspiration
  • Epiglottis
    A leaf-shaped cartilage that covers the larynx during swallowing to prevent food from entering the trachea
  • Expectoration
    The act of coughing up material from the respiratory tract; also the material thus released; sputum
  • Expiration
    The act of breathing of or expelling air from the lungs; exhalation
  • Glottis
    The opening between the vocal folds
  • Hemoglobin
    The iron-containing pigment in red blood cells that transports oxygen
  • Inspiration
    The act of drawing air into the lungs; inhalation
  • Larynx
    The enlarged, superior portion of the trachea that contains the vocal folds
  • Lingual tonsils
    Small mounds of lymphoid tissues at the posterior of the tongue
  • Lung
    A cone-shaped, spongy respiratory organ contained within the thorax
  • Mediastinum
    The space between the lungs together with the organs contained in this space
  • Nose
    The organ of the face used for breathing and housing receptors for the sense of smell; includes an external portion and an internal nasal cavity
  • Oxygen (O2)

    The gas needed by cells to release energy from food during metabolism
  • Palatine tonsils
    The paired masses of lymphoid tissue located on either side of the oropharynx; usually meant when the term tonsils is used alone
  • Pharynx
    The throat; a common passageway for food entering the esophagus and air entering the larynx
  • Phrenic nerve
    The nerve that activates the diaphragm
  • Pleura
    A double-layered membrane that lines the thoracic cavity (parietal pleura) and covers the lungs (visceral pleura)
  • Pleural space
    The thin, fluid-filled space between the two layers of the pleura; pleural cavity
  • Pulmonary ventilation
    The movement of air into and out of the lungs
  • Sinus
    A cavity or channel; the paranasal sinuses are located near the nose and drain into the nasal cavity
  • Sputum
    The substance released by coughing or clearing the throat, expectoration, it may contain a variety of materials from the respiratory tract
  • Surfactant
    A substance that decreases surface tension within the alveoli and eases lung expansion
  • Trachea
    The air passageway that extends from the larynx to the bronchi
  • Turbinate bones
    The bony projections in the nasal cavity that contain receptors for the sense of smell, also called conchae
  • Vocal folds
    Membranous folds on either side of the larynx that are important in speech production, also called vocal cords
    • pnea
  • Dyspnea
    Shortness of breath; painful or difficult breathing
    • oxia
    Level of oxygen
  • Hypoxia
    Decreased amount of oxygen in the tissues
    • capnia
    Level of carbon dioxide
  • Hypocapnia
    Decreased carbon dioxide in the tissues
    • phonia
  • Aphonia
    Loss of voice