Sumerians (from Sumer, a region of Mesopotamia) were the first people to assign symbols to group of objects to represent numbers. They developed the earliest known writing system known as cuneiform script.
The Egyptians were the first people to develop a numerical system that was based on the number 10. Hieroglyphic Numerals developed in Egypt.
Babylonians in Mesopotamia used the Sexagesimal System
Euclid wrote the Elements, a compilation of theorems, axioms in Algebra and postulates and theorems in Geometry. With this, he gained the title, "Father of Geometry".
Archimedes of Syracuse, a Greek mathematician derived a range of formulasinGeometry including the area of a circle, the surface area and volume of a sphere and the area under a parabola.
Hipparchus of Nicaea was a Greek astronomer, geographer, and mathematician considered as the founder of trigonometry.
Leonardo of Pisa, also called Fibonacci, wrote Liber Abaci, a book filled with arithmetical and algebraic information which he had collected during his travels.
The best known contribution of Hindu mathematics to modern mathematics was the decimal position system.
JohannesWidmann was a German mathematician. The + and - symbols first appeared in print in his book Mercantile Arithmetic published in Leipzig in 1489
NiccolòFontanaTartaglia revealed to the world the formula for solving first one type, and later all types, of cubic equations (equations with terms including x"),
John Napier, and others greatly extend the power of mathematics as a calculatory science with his discovery of logarithms.
PierredeFermat was a French lawyer and a mathematician who is given credit for early developments that led to infinitesimalcalculus.
BlaisePascal laid the foundations of the Probability Theory together with Fermat. He invented the Pascaline, an early mechanical calculator, He is also known for the Pascal's Triangle, a tool for expanding a binomial (a + b)™.
Rene Descartes was another notable mathematician of the 17th cen-tury. He invented the Cartesian coordinate system
Gottfried Leibniz discovered infinitesimalcalculus, along with Sir Isaac Newton. However, each one made this discovery alone, not while working together.
Leonhard Euler who, in addition to work in a wide range of mathematical areas, started the Graph Theory, the Calculus of Variations and Differential Geometry.
Carl Friedrich Gauss, a German mathematician proved the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra.
JosephLouieLagrange began a rigorous theory of functions and of mechanics. He also played a key role in the creation of the Metricsystem of weights and measures.
John Venn Introduced Venn Diagram in 1874. This became a useful tool in Set Theory.
BenoitMandelbrot's introduced the theory of fractals. He published The Fractal Geometry of Nature in 1982.